Title: Re: [Assam] Assam is for Assamese
>Why you had to provide an interpretation at all for and on behalf of Sumanat?. You could not sleep or you thought >it was your solemn duty as a nopota phukon for the sake of the netters?.

*** Yes, as a matter of fact I did consider it my solemn duty to defend the concept of Assam for the Assamese as *I* saw it in the context, because YOU dragged the matter into the discussion. Did I need YOUR prior permission for it? Are you the ARBITER, the true 'pota-phukan' over who can or who cannot speak for or against the concept ? If you are, just let us know. I will be sure to " gua ebhaag aag borhai aaru xaasatnge pronipaat jonai"  beg for permission to speak next time.

*** But I know you are making the argument above only because you have realized, finally, where you went wrong, but are unable to admit it, and are attempting to divert attention away from the issue in point. That is OK. I won't rub it in any further. Sure as heck I went far more into it than I wished I had and am not enjoying it one bit.

Take care, and Om Xaanti!


At 9:26 AM -0600 12/29/05, Rajen Barua wrote:
But you NEVER told us WHAT his 'jatiyotabadi' writings proposed or included. You are the one who was privy to what Sumanta had in mind. Or are YOU guessing here?
Since you would NOT tell us what Sumanta had in mind I provided you with my OWN interpretation
Why you had to provide an interpretation at all for and on behalf of Sumanat?. You could not sleep or you thought it was your solemn duty as a nopota phukon for the sake of the netters?.
----- Original Message -----
From: Chan Mahanta
To: Barua25 ; Dilip/Dil Deka
Cc: assam@assamnet.org
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Assam is for Assamese

>I just wanted to show that 'Assam for Assamese' theme simply does not work whichever way we look at it.

*** That is YOUR opinion, and you are entitled to it.
You started off with saying you do not agree with Sumanta's " I donot necessarily support his Assam for Assamese Jatiotabadi writings. "

> In my opinion, Sumanta would not have interpreted the definition of 'Assamese'  the way Chandan did.

But you NEVER told us WHAT his 'jatiyotabadi' writings proposed or included. You are the one who was privy to what Sumanta had in mind. Or are YOU guessing here?
Since you would NOT tell us what Sumanta had in mind I provided you with my OWN interpretation, which you had trouble comprehending.

That is because you could not differentiate between the concepts of nationality and ethnicity, It is that 'damned English language problem', not just with yourself, but you have company I know.

Would you argue with the concept of India for Indians? And if you would not, it is exactly the same for Assam for the Assamese. And, of necessity, it assumes
an Assamese Nation ( as in the Indian Nation), and it includes a diverse milieu of ethnicities.

What you cannot handle is the concept of an Assamese Nation. As a result you went about attributing weird meanings to what I wrote when I submitted myself to your inquisition with the hope of aiding you with your profoundly muddled thinking process.

>In my opinion we should try to avoid using the word for political purpose,

*** Why? Because it holds the connotation of an Assamese Nation? Or for some other reason, like a problem with the English language?

>and only definition which will work for Assamese is this: ALL THE LEGAL RESIDENTS OF ASSAM ARE >ASSAMESE.

*** You do deserve a NOVEL prize foe discovering it and enlightening humanity with it.

>While keeping this definition, Assam should ask for cultural protection

*** From WHOM? Who has the RIGHT to take it away from Assam to begin with, so that Assam has to begging for it from someone else?

And WHY has that NEED arisen?

When you can answer that, you can understand the need for the concept of an Assamese Nation.

But I won't hold my breath.


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