The following review by me was recently published in Assam tribune. The book is not available in the USA at present. One will have to write to the publisher.
TEA TECHNOLOGY - By Gokul Sarma, P. Eng.
Published by Assam Review Publishing Co
27A, Waterloo Street; Calcutta - 700069
Phone: 248-2251
1st Edition 30th June 2000
ISBN No 81-901169-1-6
Price Rs 260 or US$16.00
There are probably dozens of books written on the romance of the tea, the tea industry or the tea culture and their historical, cultural and economical impacts on various societies and countries. However there has not been an up-to-date book, so far, written on the tea technology, the manufacturing process of tea itself.  By publishing exactly such a book, Mr. Gokul Ch Sarma of Canada has indeed made history and fulfilled a long needed demand in the industry. Before we go into a review of the book, it is important to know how he came about writing such a book in Canada.
Mr. Gokul Ch Sarma is a resident of Toronto, Canada and presently works in the Telecommunication company Nortel Networks. He received his Bsc Eng in Mechanical Engineering from the USA. Before coming to the USA for higher studies, Mr. Sarma was in the tea industry where he started his career as a trainee in Doom Dooma Tea Estate in Assam. Later, he joined the Assam Agricultural University (AAU), Jorhat, as an Asst Professor in the newly formed Department of Tea Technology. During his six years of teaching Tea Technology at the University, he spent much of his time in Tocklai Research Centre, Jorhat and was engaged in developing the first ever Tea Manufacturing course at University level.  During that time, he traveled widely in various tea factories in Assam, Darjeeling and also visited some tea gardens and factories around Caspian Sea in North Iran.  Later while he was settled in Canada,  the then Vice Chancellor of Assam Agricultural University, Dr. Prafulla Ch Bora requested him if he would undertake to write the much needed book on Tea Technology for the University level classes. And that is how he got into writing the book. Besides his text material from teaching Tea Technology at the AAU, Mr. Sarma acknowledges the help taken from Tocklai Research Centre where he used numerous reports, journals and magazines. While writing an Introduction to the book, Dr Pafulla Ch Bora stated, "The teaching experience early in his career has given Mr. Sarma the knowledge base to make this book a worthwhile treatise, It covers all aspects of tea manufacture, tea machinery and the principles of their working, tea testing for assessment of qualities etc..."
The book is about 230 pages long, and one does not have to be a tea technocrat to see that it is a professionally well written technical book on the technology of tea manufacturing. The process of tea manufacturing is very sophisticated and involves various processes like withering, rolling.crushing, sifting, fermentation, drying, sorting/grading, storing, packing etc. All these processes have been improved over time through research done by Tocklai Tea Research Center in Jorhat in collaboration with various member gardens. The book include all of these with latest updates and much more.  Mr. Sarma also included technical information on tea characteristics and common defects, the principle and process of tea testing as well as application of engineering principles in designing tea factories, tea garden roads etc. At the end of the book, there is also recipes for preparing various types of tea.
Needless to say that the book is a valuable contribution to the industry. This is a thorough and complete book which will be useful to many even outside the tea industry. The book has already been sent to some tea producing countries outside India, where the book is receiving good review and is being used a text book for training tea technology.
We congratulate Mr. Sarma for completing the much needed book out of his busy schedule. The modern tea industry started and developed in Assam in the early nineteenth century, and the first tea garden was opened in Chabua in 1837. Since then Assam has been playing a major role in the world tea industry and producing about one fifth of world's tea. It is in Assam that we have the world's only tea research centre at Tocklai.  As such we are glad to see that book on Tea Technology has been written by someone from Assam.  As a way of improvement for future editions, we have only one suggestion. Inclusion of an introductory chapter on the process of tea plantation and tea plucking would make the book more complete. We are sure future editions will see further improvements. We also suggest that Mr. Sarma should seek some international book publisher like Penguin, Mc Grew Hill and others to get the book published so that the book will get the world wide distribution.
Rajen Barua, Houston, Texas
2nd November 2005   
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