In case of India, I think Nagaland did a blunder by not signing the treaty at the beginning which practically was giving them complete autonomy except defence. They rejected the treaty thinking that they would get complete independence with the help of the British. If they would have signed that, they would have been in a much better position today.
Anyway they are the ones who are fighting against the GOI from the beginning long before Assam Insurgency comes into picture.
Anyway it is sad for the Nagas.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Secession from India will be death for the Assamese

Himen da,

The Southern states were just not allowed to secede. Secession was just out-of-question. No wonder today America is the strongest country in the world.


I don't know about the other states, but Texas has the right to separate itself from the Union if it so wishes. When Texas joined the Union, this portion was of Texas law was included.


But practically, this probably will never happen as the threshhold (thru the legislature) is pretty high.



On 1/9/06, Himendra Thakur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Malabika and Utpal,


Did you read the history of American Civil War? The American Civil War is one of the most momentous and controversial periods in American history. This bitter war was fought to stop secession of the southern states.


The Southern states were just not allowed to secede. Secession was just out-of-question. No wonder today America is the strongest country in the world.


After fighting two world wars, European countries have decided to unite ... step by step ... They are now on the path of economic recovery. Instead of internecine (mutually destructive) wars, they have developed Unity. Instead of secession, they have embraced affiliation.


Some people do not want to read history. They say "History is Bunk" ... I emphasize that we must learn from history.


I completely agree with you that the Injustice that Assam has gone through must be corrected. The injustice to Assam was committed by a group of sightless people ... including some Assamese leaders.  They can be controlled and eliminated. You do not have to secede from India to achieve that. You do not burn the house to kill rats ... you use a rat-trap. Intelligence and skill are required to make a good rat-trap.


Due to the huge population of Bangladeshi infiltrators in Assam, secession from India will be death for the Assamese ... the international border between Bangladesh and Assam will melt into thin air and the plight of the Assamese will be the same as the plight of the Chakma tribe.


Please consider if you will like to take that risk.


With the best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] What prevents India from holding a plesbicite

What I typed
>> A nation can be mature only as much as its population will allow it. Don't you think?
The nation can also me only as much mature as the framework will allow it.
What I meant was
The nation can also be only as much mature as the framework will allow it.

Malabika Brahma < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ram da,
>>That would be the easy part (thinking about it) - but the tougher part would to hold >>one at all. Whether its Kashmir or Assam, it is next to impossible to hold one.
But peace itself has been elusive and almost impossible to achive in Kashmir and Assam for last 27 years, isn't it?
I think more than "impossible", it is the question of gathering the required courage.
>> A nation can be mature only as much as its population will allow it. Don't you think?
The nation can also me only as much mature as the framework will allow it.

Ram Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi there Utpal,
No, I don't think I am right all the time -and am sure others think likewise.
>There is easy way to find out. Hold a plesbicite under a free neutral environment and avoid all >bloodshed.
That would be the easy part (thinking about it) - but the tougher part would to hold one at all. Whether its Kashmir or Assam, it is next to impossible to hold one.
Why do I say this: Whichever side looses, they are going to claim there was widespread intimidation etc, etc. Yes, one could say - get those international observers (Jimmy Carter) to observe. But that is very unlikely. India will never submit to that (claiming sovereignty issues).
Add to the equation, that many feel that Assam is filled up with illegal Bangladeshis (and maybe even ISI agents). The question that comes to mind is, if thats the situation (like Pakistanis in Kashmir), why would we ever want to go for a plebicite of a population that would want to merge with B'desh or Pakistan?
About a plebicite being bloodless - I seriously doubt if that will be be the turn of events.
>I hope someday the nation called India will be matured enough to incorporate the "instrument of >seccession"  in the constitution.
A nation can be mature only as much as its population will allow it. Don't you think?
--Ram da

On 1/9/06, Malabika Brahma <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Chandan da thinks he is right. So does Rajen da or Ram da or Mike da or my self. May be we all are right or may be not. It does not matter what I or you feel (the elites of Assam) , what really matters is what the people of Assam feel. May be most of the people in Assam want seperation from India or may be they don't.
There is easy way to find out. Hold a plesbicite under a free neutral environment and avoid all bloodshed.
But somehow I think the present form of GOI does not have the moral courage to face the free and fair ballot that  would decide the fate of Assam or NE for that matter. Also the question is whether pro-independence groups of NE have the moral courage face the same.
I hope someday the nation called India will be matured enough to incorporate the "instrument of seccession"  in the constitution.
Utpal Brahma

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