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good concept but my experience in a govt run school in US shows that I am motivated not only by the high pay $25 per hour for 10 hours per week- but also that I can use this experience to good use -for future jobs which might pay higher. Also that fact that govt staff does not like to employ outsiders to help improve their kids - so there is subtle competition with them - i feel. Further, my seniors have been quite effusive in my getting the highly energetic engaged and learning. It is true that low achieving kids will show largest percentage gains compared to those who are already doing well. Perfection is difficult but bringing up laggards is easy if you get them interested. Umesh PS: This job pays only my rent and student loan about $750 per month- and am looking for something to pay for food, phone and for a stable job after June 2006 when my student visa expires.

NATIONAL   | January 13, 2006
Houston Ties Teachers' Pay to Test Scores
The nation's largest merit pay program calls for rewarding teachers based on how well their students perform on standardized tests.

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