Title: Sentinel News
**** Mob fury? 'Army atrocities'

How about  people outraged by military repression and brutality ?

Is this the same 'people' who don't care about ULFA like someone asserted the other day :-)?



Mob  fury at Jerai Gaon
NH, rail  blocked over 'Army atrocities'

>From our Reporter
 TINSUKIA, Jan 31: Two days  after the Army resorted to its 'hit and crush' policy in and around  the Jerai Gaon area, the ancestral home to ULFA 'C-in-C' Paresh  Barua, under Chabua police station in Dibrugarh district, thousands of  villagers today took to the streets blocking the NH 37 and the  Tinsukia-Dibrugarh rail route near Kanjikhowa for over six hours  protesting against, what they called, atrocities committed on them by  the Army.

The agitating villagers  burnt the effigies of Governor Lt Gen (retd) Ajai Singh, Chief Minister  Tarun Gogoi and local MLA Raju Sahu shouting slogans like "Tarun  Gogoi murdabad", "Ajai Singh murdabad" and  "Go back Army". The protesters also demanded immediate release  of the two youths who were picked up by the Army on Monday.

The 4th Jat Regiment  had launched a massive man hunt in the areas engulfing Jerai Gaon,  Mohkorah and Karuapathar under Chabua police station since Sunday.

ADC Shamser Singh and  ASP Pradip Kar, who had rushed to the place soon after the protesters  came to the streets, failed to pacify the mob. The duo then left for the  Army camp at Laipuli here. It was only after they returned at around 5  p.m. and assured the gathering that the arrested youths would handed  over to police that the mob dispersed.

Earlier Lakhimpur MP  Arun Sarma visited the agitating villagers and assured all possible help. Dibrugarh MP Sarbananda Sonowal, who is in New Delhi, is  understood to have called up Bimal Julka, Joint Secretary, North-Eastern  Operation of Army regarding the matter. Informed sources said that  Sonowal has sought a report from the ADG (operation), Mukesh Sabrawal  besides discussing the matter with Chief Secretary S Kabilan and Home  Secretary Rajiv Bora.

Talking to mediapersons  over phone from New Delhi, Sonowal feared that the Army operations might  throw a spanner in the on-going peace process with the ULFA.

Significantly, local  MLA Raju Sahu was conspicuous by his absence from the scene.

A late night report  said that the two youths, who had been picked up by the Army yesterday,  were handed over to Chabua police late this evening.
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