Very well said Baruah. Was surprised to all heck that the Telegraph 
decided to publish your analysis :-).



At 5:50 PM -0500 2/19/06, Sanjib Baruah wrote:
>The Telegraph (Calcutta) Monday, February 20, 2006
>Sanjib Baruah
>The obvious lesson of Kakopathar is that counter-insurgency operations and
>negotiations towards peace do not go together, writes Sanjib Baruah The
>author is at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, and Bard College,
>Annandale-on-Hudson, New York
>The developments in Assam over the past few days have made one thing
>clear: that reports in recent years of the United Liberation Front of
>Assam losing influence have been highly exaggerated. At least that is not
>the case in those parts of rural upper Assam  the home ground of ULFAs
>exiled top leadership and the site of the recent unrest.
>For a number of days, pro-ULFA slogans and sentiments have been in open
>display as villagers of the Kakopathar region blocked a national highway,
>stormed army pickets, vandalized vehicles and even dug up the highway to
>protest against the custodial killing of a fellow villager by the Indian
>army. That the army describes the victim as an ULFA hit-man has had no
>effect on the publics sense of outrage. Nine persons were killed in a
>police firing of protesters. ULFA called an Assam bandh on February 13,
>protesting against the Kakopathar firing and its chairman, Arabinda
>Rajkhowa, compared the incident with the Jalianwalla Bagh massacre.
>The backdrop to these developments might initially seem awkward. The
>second meeting between the government of India and the ULFA-appointed
>peoples consultative group had just taken place in Delhi where the
>government even promised confidence-building measures to facilitate what
>could some day be called a peace process. However, important differences
>exist on the government side on whether to negotiate with ULFA. No less a
>person than Assams governor, Lieutenant General Ajai Singh  architect of
>two counter-insurgency operations against ULFA  publicly opposes
>negotiations. What is there to negotiate with them? he asks. Instead, he
>favours instilling fear in the rebels so that they cannot dictate terms.
>By contrast, Assams elected chief minister, Tarun Gogoi, has been strongly
>supportive of negotiations. Singh and some others in the security
>establishment would probably interpret Kakopathar as no more than a
>temporary setback. But if a single incident could become a trigger to such
>public anger and expression of pro-ULFA sentiments, one can hardly have
>confidence in the security establishments reading of the ground situation
>and its recipe for bringing about peace.
>Indias track record of ending internal armed conflicts is quite poor.
>Today the world has numerous intra-state armed conflicts, and everywhere
>they last long  on average about seven years as opposed to six months for
>international wars according to one count. However, the duration of
>intra-state armed conflicts in India  and in the rest of south Asia  have
>been much longer than the world average. The Naga war  despite the
>nine-year old ceasefire  will soon enter the sixth decade, making it one
>of the worlds oldest armed conflicts.
>There are many reasons why most of our conflicts have been long-lasting.
>But one common factor seems to suggest itself. Those who study armed
>internal conflicts emphasize the role of a mutually hurting stalemate
>felt by conflicting parties  as a necessary condition for pushing
>conflicts in the direction of a negotiated settlement. These theorists
>argue that when parties realize that further military escalation would not
>produce victory and that the costs of the status quo are unacceptably
>high, a conflict becomes ripe for resolution.
>But in India, even when conflicts have been terribly hurtful, localized
>suffering has not easily translated into high costs for the government
>side. Doing something about conflicts in the Northeast may be important
>for our national-level politicians, but no government has fallen because
>of the way it has handled or mishandled them. And after decades of
>counter-insurgency and attention to security, we have further cushioned
>our decision-making elites from the hurting effects of a stalemate.
>In a new two-tiered order, the top echelons of the bureaucracy, the army
>and the political establishment who live and travel with very high levels
>of security are now the security haves. Under these conditions, despite
>enormous suffering by civilians, those who favour a military solution or
>rather a victors peace tend to win policy arguments. They seem to believe
>that given the obvious military superiority of the governments side, all
>armed groups can be eventually bullied into submission. This of course has
>meant, in effect, stalemated long-duration armed conflicts and the costs
>being paid almost entirely by the security have-nots.
>One obvious lesson of Kakopathar is that counter-insurgency operations and
>efforts toward a negotiated peace do not go together. Kakopathar
>underscores the absence of a solid coalition on the government side in
>support of negotiations. What has made the two meetings with the PCG
>possible is simply an electoral calculation that in post-Illegal Migrants
>(Determination by Tribunals) Act Assam, the ethnic Assamese vote might
>matter to the Congress more than usual. Appearing to be on the side of a
>negotiated peace with ULFA might give the Congress an edge over the Asom
>Gana Parishad among this segment. But since this posture does not have to
>be maintained beyond the elections, there is no need to try to build a
>stable political coalition to support a negotiated peace. Thus the serious
>differences between the governor and the chief minister can just be put
>aside. Were we serious about a negotiated peace, there might have been
>pressure for the governor to resign. After all, there could be no better
>confidence-building measure than making a civilian, and someone untainted
>by counter-insurgency operations, the next governor.
>Decisions made under these political conditions can only reinforce the
>existing stalemate. Daniel Ellsberg had coined the term stalemate machine
>to describe the American political logic of successive presidents
>committing just enough resources to Vietnam so as not to violate two
>critical domestic political rules of thumb: to not lose South Vietnam to
>the communists before the next election and not commit US ground troops to
>a land war in Asia. Pretending to work towards a negotiated peace with
>ULFA while carrying on counter-insurgency operations is an Indian version
>of a stalemate machine.
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