Title: Re: [Assam] MC Mahanta's bamboo-reinforcement
Hi A:

>By the people, isn't it?

** No doubt. But WHO picks the candidates? Is it done by the people too, or are they GIVEN?

And if the given alternatives are between, say 'dumb' and 'dumber', or  between a 'thief' and a 'scoundrel' or between a 'bhondo-toposyi' and a 'loser' and a 'supposedly reformed thug'and a 'nincompoop', does it mean for the people who might pick one out of them it is 'tough doo-doo'; its their own damn fault? And the 'people' here are the guilty ones ?

>And when govts. malfunction or don't function, functioning states have means to hold them >accountable. How does Indian govt. do that A? And how does Assam govt. do that?
> I haven't a clue.

*** I can tell :-). But aren't you curious? Don't you want to know IF there ARE ways to hold them accountable? Change things for the better?

I will give you a clue: It is the dysfunctional desi-system . Now if you still can't connect the dots, you are in big trouble :-). I can help, but I don't think I have enough hours in a day to walk you thru this seemingly inexplicable maze.

>But I go by what I see - in Guwahati (or any place in Assam), if day to day garbage is Not (ever!) picked up, no drinking/washing water, drains back up almost to the house, - with or without a bout of rain shower, I use my common sense and would blame the local government agencies---

*** I can't blame you, so far! It is reasonable for you to blame the local govt.. Everyone does that. You do, so many of our assam-net friends do, steel-trap-minded Assam newspaper editors do. Even I do.

But then what? What comes of it? 

The BLAMED entities keep returning to power and get nothing done, don't they?

Would you therefore not want to know how to break this cycle?

And if you do, would you not want to know WHAT keeps this cycle going, in perpetual motion, preventing its destruction? If you do want to know, and can't connect the dots yourself, I will be pleased to tell you. Actually I told you already, many times . You just don't like to hear it , or pretend you never heard it :-).

>That's okay, C'da. As long as everyone knows the facts - who is responsible for what, ---

*** But how about YOU?


At 4:02 PM -0500 8/23/06, Alpana B. Sarangapani wrote:
Hi C'da:
>*** Yes, but WHO is that makes up Assam govt.?  Why? aren't the ministers and MPs and
MLAs all Assamese?
>How is it selected?
By the people, isn't it?
>What laws /rules and regulations  does it follow or flout? It is the dysfunctional desi-govt. model >isn't it? Isn't it the useless Indian bureaucracy that rules Assam? Isn't it the Indian electorate >system, one that elects 40 % of the MPs with criminal background that Assam follows too?
Is it true in Assam's case too? with 40% of the representatives having a criminal background? IF so, whose fault is it? who elects them?
>And when govts. malfunction or don't function, functioning states have means to hold them >accountable. How does Indian govt. do that A? And how does Assam govt. do that?
I haven't a clue.
But I go by what I see - in Guwahati (or any place in Assam), if day to day garbage is Not (ever!) picked up, no drinking/washing water, drains back up almost to the house, - with or without a bout of rain shower, I use my common sense and would blame the local government agencies instead of dragging the Center into it. It is their responisibility to collect funds and take care of the citizens.
>*** If you can explain these, your comments might hold water.
That's okay, C'da. As long as everyone knows the facts - who is responsible for what, they don't have to go by my comments. :)


From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Alpana B. Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, assam@assamnet.org
Subject: Re: [Assam] MC Mahanta's bamboo-reinforcement
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 17:23:01 -0500

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Hi A:

>Is this a simplistic one again?

*** That will be the least disagreeable term :-).

>The Center's been unfair,

*** How does the center GET to be unfair A?  What gives it the right to be fair or unfair? That is where the problem starts.

>But Assam has its own government, own budget (and I hear the money even goes back), and has the 'baro maahe` khol-khol koi boi juwa ekhon bixaal nodi' - the Brahmaputra - all for its own use, whereas several states in the south are fighting for the water from one river only.

*** Yes, but WHO is that makes up Assam govt.? How is it selected? What laws /rules and regulations  does it follow or flout? It is the dysfunctional desi-govt. model isn't it? Isn't it the useless Indian bureaucracy that rules Assam? Isn't it the Indian electorate system, one that elects 40 % of the MPs with criminal background that Assam follows too?

And when govts. malfunction or don't function, functioning states have means to hold them accountable. How does Indian govt. do that A? And how does Assam govt. do that?

*** If you can explain these, your comments might hold water.

And I hope to see you explain :-).


At 3:11 PM -0500 8/22/06, Alpana B. Sarangapani wrote:
Sorry C'da, couldn't pass that one up, though I had a feeling that it would irritate you...just couldn't stand your accusation (rather false :)) anymore. :)
The Center's been unfair, there are unruly people that rules the country all over - outside Assam - in the north, particularly, etc., etc.
But Assam has its own government, own budget (and I hear the money even goes back), and has the 'baro maahe` khol-khol koi boi juwa ekhon bixaal nodi' - the Brahmaputra - all for its own use, whereas several states in the south are fighting for the water from one river only.
If some engineers get together and take a project to utilize the water from Brahmaputra, is the Center going to come up and stop them?
Is this a simplistic one again?

From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Alpana B. Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, assam@assamnet.org
Subject: Re: [Assam] MC Mahanta's bamboo-reinforcement
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 11:34:08 -0500
>Hi A:
>Obviously you don't agree with my views.
>So why don't you tell us:
>A: How, what I wrote is wrong.
>B: WHY do you think things are what they are?
>And if you can pin down the problem, you can lead us to solutions
>You go girl :-)!
>At 11:09 AM -0500 8/22/06, Alpana B. Sarangapani wrote:
>>Hi C'da: If the Center did not steal our Brahmaputra from us, we
>>would have got water in every house in Guwahati. Don't you think?

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