Dear Assamnetters,

Thought of sharing this exciting news with you all!
Generally many from India fly to west with one way
ticket. Here is an exception.
My batchmate from AEC Dr. Prabal Talukdar has very
recently joined the Premier Institute of International
repute IIT, Delhi as Assistant Professor (Department
of Mechanical Engineering) . Not sure whether we have
any AECan working/worked as Faculty in IITs (except
IITG) or not. It’s really very encouraging news for us
and making us feel proud on his achievement.

Prabal passed out from AEC in 1991, Prabal did his
M.Tech from IITG. He started his PhD in IITG and later
on went to Institute of Fluid Mechanics, University of
Erlangen-Nurimberg (Germany) for its completion. After
his PhD in Germany he worked in the same institute as
Guest Researcher for two years. In 2005 he moved to
Canada and served as Post Doctoral Fellow in the
University of Safktchewan, Saskatoon.

Prabal’s wanted to go back and serve in India. He left
quite a few lucrative offers abroad.

He will prove to be a role model for many . Those who
wish to get in touch with him they may reach him at

Prabal is marrried with two children.


Chittaranjan Pathak

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