Telegraph spinning stories may be true...all the newspapers do it when they 
want to.

How many "Bengali" heads of Eastern command has the editor seen in the last 60 


----- Original Message ----
From: Shantikam Hazarika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Saikia, Hrishikesh IN BLR SISL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2007 11:04:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Air Marshal spills beans on 'hypocrisy'

It seems to be mischievous reporting again. None of the local dailies have 
twisted what Borbora said the way Telegraph has done. You will find that the 
quotation attributed to Borbora in the Telegraph does not justify the heading 
or the leading paragraph.. Nor was it Borbora's first observation. The 
Telegraph is trying to twist Borbora's statement by implying that (according to 
Borbora) the senior officers in the forces are hypocrites. He himself being s 
senior officer could not have said it, but the way the telegraph has reported, 
it gets implied. 
Needless to state the Telegraph editor, sitting in kolkata has found it a bit 
unpalatable that an Assamese is heading the Eastern Command. Hence he had to 
see how he can 'spin' the news so that at least some feathers in the forces 
would get ruffled which may be detrimental to borbora's career. 
Shantikam hazarika

On 4/3/07, Saikia, Hrishikesh IN BLR SISL < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Air Marshal spills beans on 'hypocrisy'
Barbora speaks at the media conference in Shillong. Picture by Eastern 
Shillong, April 2: The indifference of successive governments and 
disillusionment with the "hypocritical" conduct of seniors have forced a large 
number of officers from the Northeast to quit the services. 
That was Air Marshal P.K. Barbora's first observation after he assumed charge 
as air officer commanding-in-chief of the Eastern Air Command.
Addressing a news conference in Shillong, Barbora said several efficient young 
officers of the Northeast were leaving the services because they were "highly 
sentimental" and could not cope with the "hypocritical" attitude of their 
"The indifferent attitude of the earlier governments towards the Northeast, 
coupled with a feeling of alienation, have led the defence forces to a 
situation where it has a negligible number of personnel from the Northeast. 
Earlier governments tried to use the same yardstick for all problems in the 
region and that led to chaos," he said, adding that the situation was changing 
The officer said modernisation of airfields like the one at Tezpur in Assam was 
on his list of priorities, as was the implementation of the Force Multipliers 
Programme. Sophisticated missiles are to be added to the IAF's arsenal under 
this programme

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