someone really needs to find how so many people are supposed to be slave labor 
--60 million is a huge number. i wonder that in a time when even those from 
feudalistic rural bihar are free to seek work in mumbai  how come so many are 
hidden from the view - if at all.
  ps: is it caste system shown in a new way?

Ram Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Thanks for fwding this, C'da. I agree, India needs a wagging finger at 
times.  And this is one of those times.
  But can India get off this sh*t list or is she forever banished? :) - Oh! its 
for 6 months, and not in tier 3!
  Seriously, though, this is appalling. A country like India cannot be taken 
seriously when she fails in such areas. 
  65 million forced laborers? Thats a bit strange? What is the definition of 
'forced laborers'?  
  I know there are some terrible cases of children/women being forced to work 
as mechanics, ship-yard workers (in dangerous situations), painters, buildings 
etc. Are those 'forced' labor?
  Then there are millions being employed as 'appas' or 'appis'  all over 
middle-class India. When we were living there, we always had someone to help 
around (usually a kancha) - was treated right and was basically a member of the 
family. But looking back, I feel that was the age when that kancha ought to 
have been playing or studying. One of my sisters, did just that, her 'servant'  
was made to go to school alos, and after many years, he got a Masters' degree - 
works for a big corp. 
  I don't know the answer to the apa/api situation - its a tough one. Same goes 
for child labor -poverty is still a huge problem in India.
  It goes without saying human trafficking numbers (though small compared to 
the total population) is just as terrible. 
  On 6/12/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   
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India escapes U.S. list of worst human traffickers 
POSTED: 9:18 p.m. EDT, June 12, 2007
Story Highlights
* Report singles out countries not doing enough to combat human trafficking
* Worst offenders have 90 days to improve or face possible penalties
* India to receive special evaluation in six months 
* Nearly 800,000 people are trafficked across borders each year
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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- India, which advocacy groups say may have as many
as 65 million forced laborers, was spared the worst ranking on the 
State Department's new list of nations where humans are bought and
Countries not doing enough to combat human trafficking could face
sanctions if they don't take steps to improve.
The annual Trafficking in Persons report, released Tuesday, says that 
as many as 800,000 people -- largely women and children -- are
trafficked across borders each year. Many are forced into
prostitution, sweatshops, domestic labor, farming and child armies.
(Watch why India isn't on Tier 3 ) 
U.S. officials told CNN the question of India's ranking caused a
heated debate between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Deputy
Secretary of State John Negroponte.
Negroponte wanted India listed as a Tier 3 country, or worst 
offender. Rice overruled him out of concern about alienating the
Indian government. India is on the Tier 2 watch list.
Rice agreed to undertake a special evaluation of India in six months,
and then take action if India does not make improvements. 
Mark Lagon, ambassador at large for the State Department's
Trafficking in Persons office, said Tuesday that "many different
variables" played into the decision.
"I would be perpetuating a fraud to say that we don't look at 
multiple factors in our relationship with countries any time we take
a step on a particular issue like human trafficking," he said.
Worst offenders could face penalties
The United States added Kuwait, Malaysia, Qatar and Bahrain to Tier 3 
as countries that are destinations for trafficking victims who are
exposed to sexual exploitation and forced labor. (Read the report)
Saudi Arabia, a nation considered friendly toward the United States,
also is a Tier 3 country. 
The State Department also lists Burma, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Iran,
North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Uzbekistan and Venezuela as Tier 3
countries, defined as those "whose governments do not fully comply
with the minimum standards" set by American law and "are not making 
significant efforts to do so."
These countries have 90 days take additional steps to combat
trafficking or face penalties, such as sanctions, including
withholding of non-humanitarian and non-trade-related U.S. assistance
and U.S. opposition to assistance through international financial
institutions. President Bush can waive sanctions if he deems it in
the United States' interest.
The Bush administration has increased attention to the trafficking 
problem in recent years as a part of its focus on promoting democracy
and human rights as the cornerstone of Bush's foreign policy agenda,
specifically in the Middle East.
The United States, however, is not immune to the problem. The State 
Department estimates 14,500 to 17,500 people are trafficked into the
United States each year.
Trafficking victims rescued in the United States are eligible for a
special visa and help getting their passports back from their 
Other countries on the watch list
The United States put several countries on notice that they risk
being put on the Tier 3 list if they fail to take adequate steps to
combat human trafficking. China, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, 
Mexico, the Philippines and Russia were among 32 on a Tier 2 watch
list, and under U.S. law will receive special scrutiny and be subject
to an interim assessment before next year's report.
India was put on the watch list for the fourth year in a row "for its 
failure to show increasing efforts to tackle India's large and
multidimensional problem," according to the report.
The report found while the Indian government was making significant
efforts to combat trafficking, it "did not recognize the country's 
huge population of bonded laborers," which advocacy groups estimate
to range from 20 million to 65 million.
The report also found efforts by Indian law enforcement agencies to
punish traffickers "uneven and largely inadequate." 
Rahul Chhabra, spokesman for the Indian Embassy in Washington, told
CNN that the Indian government is reviewing the report.
The U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 mandated the
State Department report as a way of combating human trafficking 
around the world and punishing those responsible.
CNN State Department Producer Elise Labott and State Department
Correspondent Zane Verjee contributed to this report.

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