Dear Uttam,
  Thanks for reminding me. However, not so many years back, I had the 
opportunity to work with GE in US. What my experience told me that many of the 
high tech jobs, which in India, we can't even dreamt of being perfomed by a 
non-engineer, have very efficiently been done by non-technical man there in US. 
As far as PSUs are concerned, they are not exactly doing a bad job even in the 
current scenario, competing with the private sector (take for example, NTPC, 
POWERGRID, PFC, BHEL... do not bring in SEBs, state PSUs), provided the modern 
day heroes like, PChidambaram, Montek S etc. allows them to continue. See the 
working of some of private sector giants like RIL and you will know, to what 
extent they rely on Engineers.
  However, as you say things are changing for better or worse and I will not 
deny you of your rights to rejoice.
  uttam borthakur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    >>>As far as engineers employed in India, I am not sure if being creative 
or not makes any difference. Regarding most of the engineering jobs in India, 
except in a few cases, I am not sure, if Engineers are required at all :)
  India seems to be in a transitional phase. In the prior period, i.e the days 
of the PSUs etc., what you have stated holds good, because, the stress was on 
non-performance and to look up for loans, aids and offals etc.,  for whatever 
reason. The emerging situation involving more geographical division of labour, 
now demands more performance at comparatively lower prices than ,say, in the 
west. So, creativity enhancing such performance or lowering of the cost of 
production, would be welcomed and remunerated. So, Mridul, you can continue 
with your  happy disposition of earlier days and need not brood, because, as 
they say, the things are changing.... for the better or for the worse  

Mridul Bhuyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    As far as engineers employed in India, I am not sure if being creative or 
not makes any difference. Regarding most of the engineering jobs in India, 
except in a few cases, I am not sure, if Engineers are required at all :)
  Mridul Bhuyan

Dilip/Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Not every engineer needs to be creative. However every engineer should be 
good in math, just to survive in the field. The design engineers need to know 
what is behind the softwares they use now a days to solve engineering problems.
  There are functions in engineering where a person can contribute without 
being creative in the real sense of the word. I have spent 30+ years in the 
field, including management of engineers, I should know something about 
engineers by now.
  A request to engineers in India - please speak up.

umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But the article was about doing intensive coursework in math at high school 
levele - not at an engineering college.

***But there is more to it: Ability to do good math, by and of itself, does not 
guarantee success as an engineer or scientist. One can do well in the academic 
exams, can even get good jobs, not just as engineers, but in a lot of other 
fields, but real engineering also requires creativity -- something Indian 
engineering schools rarely help develop, while not everyone is endowed with an 
ability or have the aptitude to develop it 


Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:         At 1:33 PM -0700 7/27/07, 
Dilip/Dil Deka wrote:
  Netters with interest in science will find this article interesting. Math is 
used in all sciences, so obviously good fundamental knowledge in math helps 
students in all branches of science. A good grasp of math in high school helps 
engineering students as well, across the board.  

  *** And that is exactly why it is so essential to have a sound primary 
education where math fundamentals  take root or die. If you look at the 
percentage of students in Assam who have a decent knowledge of math 
fundamentals, you will know why so few excel in science, technology etc.

  But there is more to it: Ability to do good math, by and of itself, does not 
guarantee success as an engineer or scientist. One can do well in the academic 
exams, can even get good jobs, not just as engineers, but in a lot of other 
fields, but real engineering also requires creativity -- something Indian 
engineering schools rarely help develop, while not everyone is endowed with an 
ability or have the aptitude to develop it .
















  Dilip  ==================================================================

umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Umesh Sharma

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