Thanks for the reference which I saw before. The website however does not help 
much. Let me explain what the Indians are up against to establish their 

First Indians never kept any good records of things (not to speak of historical 

Say for the case of Geometry.
The Greeks have established the fact that Pythagoras started the process of 
demonstrative geometry back in the 6th century BC starting with the first 
demonstrative proof of the now famous Pythagoras Theorem.   Even if you read 
the website, you will find that the earliest records of the Hindu Geometry are 
in the so called Sulba Sutras which are considered to be written after the 
Vedas somewhere in 3rd or at the most 5th century BC. Then even in those Sulba 
Sutras, there is no proof of any of the geometry but only the references 
(sutras) of knowledge of the different geometrical figures including the right 
angled triangle (Pythagoras triangle).  Then in case of Greek geometry, Euclid 
wrote a complete book with proofs of about 13 famous geometry theorems sometime 
in 2nd century BC or so. Against this, India never developed any demonstrative 
proof of any geometry at all till Euclid's book was translated into Sanskrit in 
sometime in the 16th century. What we read in highschool geometry are all Greek 
Geometry from Euclid. This is not to say that Indians never discussed proofs on 
geometry theorems at all. They must have. But where is the proof.

Similarly if you take the case of Astronomy, for each and every case of Hindu 
development, the West cites a prior Greek development so much so that the West 
is now telling that most of the Astronomy  India learned from the Greeks after 
the Alexander (323 BC). Even writers like Balsham and others admit that India 
borrowed Astronomy from Greeks. This is again not to say that Indians did not 
know astronomy before. The Vedas has reference to astronomy. But that is just 
reference. The record on the other hand shows that India actually were 
interested in Astronomy nor for the sake of Astronomy but for the sake of 

We actually come to some solid ground only with Aryabhata in the 5th century 
during the Gupta period (when the Greeks are long gone from the picture). The 
West actually acknowledges Aryabhata to be one of the greatest Mathematicians 
who invented Algebra, Trigonometry, a heliocentric solar system, earth is round 
etc and many more things. (The word 'Sine' as in Sine Theta etc is derived from 
the Sanskrit word Jaib. The West acknowledge that).

But the vital question, during all this long history of Indian mathematics, 
Indians are having a tough time trying to find any solid (I mean SOLID) record 
who and when invented the ZERO and when India first started using the Zero as a 
number and a numeral. Many also suspect that India probably borrowed the idea 
of Zero from the Babylonians who also had invented a zero long before India. 
(In fact the Maya also had invented a zero). Only ground India has when 
Bhramagupta started using the zero as a number in his Algebra. But now we are 
talking of 6th or 7th century AD. The West recognize Bharhmagupta also. In 
spite all this, the West now acknowledge the fact that India invented the Zero 
without going into too much arguments.

Thus we see that India has some solid ground and some watery. Against this type 
of background, some Indians are now trying to proof that India is the 
originators of everything. That is the problem which West or anybody else do 
not like to accept.
Hope you get the picture.
I would like to see netters comments on these.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ram Sarangapani 
  To: barua25 
  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; assam@assamnet.org 
  Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 3:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [Assam] Indian reality versus Western mythology


  Just couldn't resist not butting in.

  Without going into the existence of Krishna, Shiva or Jesus :)here is a site 
about Ancient Math in India. Also let us not forget Aryabhatta (Math) and 
Kautilya(Politics & Governance).

  (BTW: the site is from a UK University and NOT something conjured up in 

  On 8/10/07, barua25 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
    When I say FACTS AND FIGURES, I was talking not about our religious heroes, 
but about Science and Mathametics.
    Say for instance, what India did in case of Mathematics and when?
    Can you produce any written evidence that India invented the Zero and when? 
It is difficult. 

    I donot like to deal with mythical figures like Shiva, Krishna etc. I 
consider these Indian gods to be purely mythical figures transformed from some 
original tribal religious cults. In my opinion, Shiva was orginally a local god 
in the Harappa civilization and Krishna was a Dravidian local tribal god. This 
much history tells. Do you have any other evidence to counter that , not who 
believes what? 
    Rajen da

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: umesh sharma 
      To: Rajen & Ajanta Barua ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; assam@assamnet.org 
      Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 1:33 PM
      Subject: Re: [Assam] Indian reality versus Western mythology


      Good to get your response. Now about facts - would you not agree that 
most Hindus hail Krishna as one of the Hindu heroes and believe that he lived 
in India thousands of years back --- I wanted to put that on Wikipedia page of 
Krishna - and they asked for facts --  what do you expect me to do? I believe 
wiki is a good example of people over the globe trying to have "sameness" - 
even here there is bias. 

      Second, on Jesus's wiki page I added a comment that many Indians believe 
that Jesus came to learn his skills in India (and I added a BBC report on that 
with weblink) and that was deleted - saying this is no research evidence -- for 
Indian news on Indian  culture even an obscure reference (with no weblink) in 
any newspaer article in remote India is considered okay by its editors -- 
incidently for Jesus they have stopped anyone from editing the page. Anyone is 
free to write anything about Krshna , Ram etc -- thats free for all. 

      whats that to do with facts? Thats plain bias.


      Rajen & Ajanta Barua <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: 
        What you are saying is right.
        The West has a Eurocentric view of the world. They claim that the basic 
foundation of the Western Civilization, especially on science, is mainly based 
on Greek civilization. They even donot like to give proper credit to the Indian 
and Chinese contribution in mathetics and other science. I would say, the West 
is still in the Dark Age. However, they have a point. Indians basically donot 
have any record of what they did. If you want to counter the present 
Eurocentric view, the best (and only way) is to debate will SOLID facts and 
figures and not with rhetoric. 
        If you have any specific issue, I would be glad to discus.
          ----- Original Message ----- 
          From: umesh sharma 
          To: assam@assamnet.org 
          Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2007 7:04 PM
          Subject: [Assam] Indian reality versus Western mythology

          Some days back a student of Indian origin born and raised in US was 
surprised to learn that India had a glorious history - he hardly believed me 

            And it did not surprise me since I have come to realize that every 
civilization wants to promote itself as the best - Greek and Roman civilization 
are promoted as ideals (closely followed by Egyptian one) -- Indian and Chinese 
ones are lesser ones. 

          Greek Toga costume parties are common features of Western univs just 
like Indian kurta, dhoti are picking up in Indian college fashion shows.

          However, the problem is that Western historians/scholars of non 
Western spheres call themselves (and each other) as the world's foremost/only 
reliable experts on their chosen area of expertise - namely hows and whys of 
other civilization. Most believe (I believe) that those in non-western 
world/developing world are too naive/unscientific/non-modern/non-rational to 
understand and appreciate the distinction between good and bad; and right and 

          I believe a lay westerner is more tolerant of others' views than 
these experts (whose reputation and even careers depend on promoting what they 
have always held as true).

          I just created a wikipedia page called Hindu Reality -speaking 
against this tendency (I'm sure someone will come along and remove my 

          http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_reality  - I just checked 
--someone has deleted the page itself. 

          Wiki seems to be about might is right - 

          Any comments?


          Umesh Sharma

          Washington D.C. 

          1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

          Ed.M. - International Education Policy 
          Harvard Graduate School of Education,
          Harvard University,
          Class of 2005

          http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu info)

          http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ (Management Info)

          www.gse.harvard.edu/iep (where the above 2 are used )


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      Umesh Sharma

      Washington D.C. 

      1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

      Ed.M. - International Education Policy
      Harvard Graduate School of Education, 
      Harvard University,
      Class of 2005

      http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu info) 

      http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ (Management Info)

      www.gse.harvard.edu/iep (where the above 2 are used )


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