Many Indian-Americans, like the Godhwanis and others with the India Community >Center in Milpitas, Calif., have taken an avowedly nonsectarian approach in >creating institutions. But among Hindus, who are a majority in India and among >Indian-Americans here, some assert that a vital bond they share with Jews is the >threat to India and Israel from Muslim terrorists.

**** In the above quote, what percentage might the SOME be ? Houston has a very large Indian community, and being a part of that, would you like to share your views and not only enlighten us but at the same time demolish the insulting insinuations some people make about Indians' inability to unite?

*** Also how many such Community Centers, the like portrayed in this article, are there in Houston, which is non-sectarian or pan-ethnic? That will be a good yardstick, won't it?

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