> umesh sharma <jaipurschool at yahoo.com> wrote:> For a moment I thought it 
> was a letter of demand of ransom or bully money - common ploy used by 
> bullies> and mafia to brow beat a vigilant citizen. Not uncommon in urban 
> Bihar or Mumbai's movie circles either.> > It doesn't seem to be any 
> different to me.> > Umesh
UMESH: I am sending my reply  to the mail addressed to me, which reminded you 
of .....below
For Rubi Bhuyan:
I am happy to receive a direct mail addressed to me. I shall directly get to 
the points raised and would not raise any extraneous issues, though I must say 
the provocation is there.

Your relevant mail has proven that, your real intention is to destroy the 
National Liberation Struggle of Asom by attacking Ruby Bhuyan of the ULFA like 
a rabid dog biting people on the street indiscriminately. We thank you for 
revealing your design.
No response called for. 

We do not wish to insult you by trying to make you knowledgeable how the modern 
communications have made the world a small place. However, we are at a loss to 
make out why are you unaware of the aim of the ULFA¢s past Twenty-Eight years 
of struggle in Asom? Excepting a yokel, a person like you well versed in 
advanced technology, should not have to come up with such a view.
        I am fully aware of what the proclaimed aim of ULFA is. I am only at a 
loss as to what to make out of the aim. Also, I am not sure what the real aim 
of the ULFA is. Thee deeds do not match the aims.

The debate in question was not put forward in a manner of your requirement of 
¡asked them in plain, straight forward English¢. You are trying to throw blows 
in the air just to sweep this deficiency under the carpet. We would like to 
remind you that the debate took place as a result of Nayan Parasar criticizing 
impertinently in the Asom On Line forum ¡the get well wish¢ statement of our 
Honourable Chairman Arobinda Rajkhowa when Dr. Mamoni Goswami fell ill. 
Criticism of a ¡Get well wish¢ cannot be ¡Honest,gentle, civilized¢. 
        Unfortunately my knowledge of the English language and perhaps my 
comprehending capability of the language is deficient. Hence I failed to make 
any head or tail of what has been stated above. 
        But you approving his subterfuge and attacking the ULFA with vindictive 
words have been noted in the net.
        By the way, are you trying to scare me or what? Earlier you were going 
to do a background check on me and now you are "noting" my words. What do you 

You may not be aware that about ten years ago Prof. Jugal Kalita linking the 
ULFA website to the Assam Org site there was an objection raised by one 
Supratik Gupta. Following this there was a long debate between Arun Mahanta, a 
member of the ULFA¢s Central Publicity Group and Supratik Gupta. In this 
debate, Supratik was given detailed replies with unambiguous views the ULFA 
holds. Supratik Gupta was not satisfied with it, but, the ULFA was very frank 
in giving out replies. He wished to know what his status would be in a 
Sovereign Independent Assam to a person of Bangladesh origin. We must say that 
Supratik Gupta behaved like a gentleman. On the other hand your good man Nayan 
Parasar does not sound at all a gentleman, but a sycophant bent upon keeping 
Asom under colonial occupation forever. We are analysing of the reasons why 
should you be promoting the sycophancy of Parasar as something very honourable.
        I am not aware of what may have transpired ten years ago and has no 
relevance here. Nor do I know who Nayan Parasar is. Again, I feel honoured that 
the stuff that I type out on the net, (frankly I never think twice about them 
while typing them and after pressing the 'send' button, forget about them) 
deserve 'analysis'. The importance you seem to be giving to me is rather 
embarrassing to me. 

If you really want a useful discussion, you are welcome to come forward in 
earnest. Do you think only your type are the ones who deserves respect? You do 
not have to instigate any one to have a debate with us. In this instant what 
has unfolded puts you in the same defiled platform as with Nayan Parasr and 
Utpal Borpujari. Otherwise we could have a meaningful dignified debate in the 
meantime. Instead of scornfulness and insulting, a simple request on the query 
would have an appropriate approach. Now, in trying to prove the mastery of 
English or lack of it, has pushed aside our willing to be engaged in a 
meaningful discussion from the original debate. There is saying, ¡Faith is all 
about belief and destructive criticism shakes such beliefs¢ and a similar 
response by yourselves has ruined the possibility of productive engagement in 
this instance. 
I am always looking for an opportunity to debate with the ULFA people. In fact 
that is why when you responded, even though obliquely, I welcomed the chance. I 
do not want your respect, because then I shall lose the respect of many people, 
which I cannot afford. So please continue with your scorn, it does not bother 
me. I do not know who Nayan Parasar is, but Utpal Borpujari is a person about 
whom I am very proud of. He is an Assamese who commands very deep respect in 
the appropriate circles. And I shall be, anyday, proud to share any platform 
with him, if I can make myself worthy of the same. If you want to have your 
way, you shall HAVE to convince people like us and engage in meaningful 
discussion. However, your response gives me the feeling that you have been 
groping for ways to wriggle out of any debate with me.
            Why are you all trying to damage the Mahanta brothers now?
        What we do to them should be none of your business, unless......
    So Rubi Bhuyan, what did you try to imply by addressing a mail to me,  
which did not make much sense to me except some veiled intimidations. I am 
still willing to take up issues with you, why don't you talk straight and to 
the point?
    With all my regards. May God one day bring you all to the right path and 
the agony of 'dukhuni' Assam, which I love the most, comes to an end.
    Shantikam Hazarika

Shantikam Hazarika
Assam Institute of Management
PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India
HOME PAGE: www.aimguwahati.edu.in 
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