Rubi Bhuyan and her/his acolytes may be excused for having the intellect of
bellicose bumpkin,but what about those kharkhowas,both native and overseas
with king-size brain,who have failed to understand as to why sovereignty is
not the panacea of all ills of Assam.Will Assam be led to an Utopian state
only if Delhi stop being the barrier ? I have already explained that there
are plenty of areas in which the Center simply can't and does not interfere
with the state.The developmental pace in those areas can be matched with
that of the snail's.That's why we have to set our  house in order first
before screaming for sovereignty.It simply does not make sense. If you
cannot walk straight on a tarred road,why do you ask for a pair of special
Nike shoes to walk up the hill ?


On 10/14/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Birds of a feather no doubt :-).
> >The call to hold a plebiscite is unwarranted.
> **** Why?
> >We have a Government out there in Assam,elected by the universal adult
> franchise inspite of the fact >that the ULFA gave a clarion call to boycott
> the election.
> **** And that means what?
> What is that adult franchise sired  govt .  doing for Assam's development?
> Shouldn't we ask that first, instead of asking that of Ruby who does not
> have power, does not have resources, and doers not control the population
> with military force?
> Are we unable to muster even  that bit of common sense?
> At 7:34 PM -0500 10/14/07, kamal deka wrote:
> Umesh,you have raised the most poignant and relevant question.
> Despite a miserable track records of successive Govt.of Assam in
> day-to-day administration or in law-and-order or civic affairs----subjects
> in which the Center just can't and does not poke its nose---ULFA is issuing
> the call for sovereignty.Sovereignty for what ? For running personal
> fiefdoms ?
> The call to hold a plebiscite is unwarranted.We have a Government out
> there in Assam,elected by the universal adult franchise inspite of the fact
> that the ULFA gave a clarion call to boycott the election.
> On 10/14/07,* umesh sharma* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> Mr Ruby,
> What is your plan for Assam's development - since you say you want Assam's
> development?
> Umesh
> * >* wrote:
> Hon'able netter,
> We felt it necessary to add our comment to the above discussion thread
> between Ram Sarangapani and Chandan Mahanta. Yes indeed, the ULFA is still
> totally committed, as before, to honour the verdict of a plebiscite on the
> restoration of the Sovereignty of Asom held under the auspices of the United
> Nations.  The ULFA certainly
>  made this declaration before anybody else.  Bringing this up in this
> discussion forum by yourselves is very commendable. But we would like to
> make it clear here that we do not want any migrant from India, Bangladesh,
> Nepal, Myanmar etcetera  since 1947 to take part in this
>  plebiscite  in defining the future direction of Asom.
> Ram Sarangapani, you are a regular contributor in the AssamNet forum.
> Your explicit expression of support to stand by
> Assam (Asom)and her people reflects your wisdom.
> There are many who may not support  the ULFA, but, the most important
> thing is for all is to standby
>  the people of Asom.  We would like to ask you not to support the views
> and actions of the selfish ones who are just taking advantage of the
> situation. Instead, be with the majority and work for real peace to return
> to Asom.
> Rubi Bhuyan
> Central Publicity member, ULFA
>    1. Re: Please take part in the opinion poll (Chan Mahanta)
>    2. Re: Please take part in the opinion poll (Ram
>  Sarangapani)
> On 10/10/07,* Chan Mahanta* <
> > wrote:
> On 10/11/07,* Ram Sarangapani* <
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast
> >Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is synonymous with
> seeking Assam's interests? :)
> **** That is a pathetic spin Ram.
> IF you are for an end to the conflict, and ULFA agrees to abide by the
> verdict of the people, why do you invent excuses like that to avoid the
> plebiscite, unless you really do not believe what you profess, that the
> people don't want sovereignty?
> At 2:26 PM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> C'da,
> You know me well enough to know that I don't carry water for anybody - GOI
> included.
> And does it really matter where I stand?
> Well, if you must, I don't like a plebicite. I seriously think its a
> red-herring for anyone interested in the well-being of Assam (both the
> pro/against sovereignty people).
> I think the results of a plebicite will not be helpful to anyone. It will
> lead to a much bigger, and unmanageable mess from which Assam will never get
> out of.Each side will bicker and moan about fraud, etc and a toothless UN
> can't do a lick.
> >Dilli has a billion people behind it.  The people of Assam need yOU far
> more than Dilli does.
> Thanks, C'da. But, you misunderstand,* I am on Assam's side* as opposed to
> being on Dilli's side.
> Now, what I am not sure of is being on ULFa's side is synonymous with
> seeking Assam's interests? :)
> And, C'da, Assam needs you more than they will ever need me.
> --Ram
> --Ram
> On 10/10/07,* Chan Mahanta* < [EMAIL 
> That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued
> servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite to put
> an end to the speculations, wouldn't it?
> Why even bother about Assam Public Works' house to house interrogation
> poll?
> At 11:55 AM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> Jeeez.. only 5% support sovereignty and this movement? Thats bad even
> from a poll that one doesn't trust.
> It is encouraging to note that that some 43% sent in their votes thru
> surface mail.
> Any reasons why the PCG did not publish the results?  Also, does this
> result in any way match up with those conducted by the Assam Public Works
> (or Service) group?
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