That is why, I think Arnab Goswami has a different level of credibility in the 
tv media. Timesnow has always beena responsible media; only that it uis 
becoming a one man show.

Shantikam Hazarika
Assam Institute of Management
PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India

Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 04:46:05 +0000From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Re: [Assam] Mischief afoot
TIMESNOW has not shown any footage of the stripped woman but reported the news 
with heavy condemnation. In fact Arnab Goswami has raised a very pertinent 
question   -    
hazarika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am sure if Homen Borgohain's Amar Axom would not have published the 
photograph of the helpless woman first, anyone else would have dared to 
republish it. Today Telegraph has published the same photo in a slightly 
enlarged version. No doubt, when we try to accost the anti Assam media, they 
would say that they have reproduced something from the Assamese media only, 
what is wrong in that?That has been our problem. Our own media is so busy 
sensationalising that they have not considered various aspects before going 
ahead. For e.g. one paper has headlined that Bhaben Saikia's Arohan has been 
badly damaged. Till now I am not sure how much of it has been damaged, has it 
been vandalised? All that was required was to pick up the phone and ring up 
Mrs. Bhaben saikia or any other opffice bearer but very few did that. I am sure 
all genuine Assamese would be concerned about Arohan. 

Shantikam Hazarika
Assam Institute of Management
PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India

Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 09:01:39 +0000From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 28, Issue 39/Assam] Mischief afoot

Now the time has also came for review of Media like TV live,Newspapers and the 
so called reporters which are mostly Bengale or Bihari operating from Assam and 
the lone cameraman being Assamese origin.WE have encient newspapers like what 
Late Radha gobinda Baruah established.However his expectations are no more.The 
Assamese media or newspapers failed to make Assam a proud of India.Instead we 
can easily see the infight to NRA or irritating them more by these 
categories.Neiterh they lack behind the proper publishing languages or 
skills.All are limited to make turmoil inside Assam and Axomiya in whole.Living 
outside Assam, we fail to get the exact incidents or news.All we ned to depend 
upon the so caled Bengal based reports or Delhi based reports given by the 
Bengalee reporter.
Till now if any news to be given to any Assma so called leading 
dailies/weekly/Fortnightlys, we have to mail by post.Nothing is availbale on 
net or fast circulation outside the state.Why so the concerned news/media 
management must look into.
I will give one simple example- Months ago I did protested strongly about 
Swaheed Kanaklata issue against wrong misleading publication by Indian Coast 
Guard.I did informed to Then Xabhapati Axom Xahitya Xabha Xabhapati Dr.Kanaksen 
Deka.Nothing happened.Then I personally wrote to one of the known man at amar 
Axom, it was published with heading on 08 Aug 2007.Later wrote with all 
relevent letters to Prantik- what should be Dr Bhaben Saikia Sirs best 
production.They took months and later my A4 size 5 page was converted to a 
small para and published as a letter with no moral value!!! When I did caled up 
to GHY ofice, I was only pleased with they get thousand of leters, so no time 
to reply!!!This is what happens with Assam pride media.
Attacking us, we being outside singing for our home land is easy.Our fault is 
Assamese.But its now time for our own media to wake up and look their own fault 
and open voice with their strong thoughts.Please stop irritating us as what 
ULFA cadres do!
I wish Assam based media coverages be fully with well versed people of Assam- 
who know the root cause of anything.Not like AAjtak and NDTV to keep relaying 
the whole nonsense clips to give more bad vision of Assam and its people every 
With RG Baruah pride, now Assam Tribune management must come up please with 
good edition of web news and TV Channel.The so called ofice sitting TV 
coverages must be prevented or be warned off any anti assamese relays.
Anyone ready??
Dr.Bikash Kumar Das

+0530Subject: [Assam] Mischief afoot

Pradip Kumar Dutta is very fast in spreading canard.The incident was a highly 
localised one. Only around Beltola tiniali to Dispur. Curfew was declared only 
on that stretch not on the city. In fact only one death has been announced, and 
that too in the hospital, so far. The clashes did not spread to Khanapara area 
as stated. My elder brother who stays behind GNRC, and my elder sister who 
stays on the road behind the MLA hostel did not feel any thing at all though 
the happenings took place within a km of their residence.The whole thing is 
very very unfortunate. I am sure the AASA leaders never thought it would go out 
of hand.Also there has been maturity on part of the AASA leaders that they have 
not talked about retaliation. Though the Telegraph sys that there would be a 36 
hr Assam bandh on Monday, no other paper says so.It is no use blowing things 
out of proportion or indulge in blame game. The spark has to be nipped in the 
bud. I am aware of many people who got injured trying to prevent some people 
whose shops were vanadlised becoming vey violent and bent on retaliation. 
Everyone should reach out with balms of love and our century old tradition. At 
our Institute, TCS was having interviews and till 2.00 pm we were not aware of 
anything till there was a message from TCS Calcutta office asking the TCS 
personnel to come back to Calcutta immediately because of riots in Guwahati. As 
such they were catching the 4.30 flight from Guwahati and their interview had 
finifhsed so they went to the airport by 2.15 pm. Then we found that the 
national networks of the tv chnnels were cooking up stories sitting on their 
studios and playing on the visuals being sent from Guwahati. As an Guwahatian I 
am more angry at the media than ashamed of what has happened here.

Shantikam Hazarika
Assam Institute of Management
PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India

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