>>Should that define the general standard of hotels
and motels across 
>>the USA? 

May be or may be not.  check this ....

Also check the numerous blogs on hotels ... does not
look too good.

My experience in US says that the standard of hotels
have degraded rapidly over last 10 years or so.

>>Incidentally HOJO is owned by desis if I am not
>>That might explain it 

Where did you get this piece of info ???  As I
understand it is owned by Wyndham Group and the CEO is
Stephen P. Holmes .... does not sound an Indian Name
nor does he  look Indian.
HOJO Franchisees are owned by various people.  The one
I am talking about is owned by some hispanic person
... but does that mean HOJO will shrugg off all
responsibility ... I mean is it the American way of
doing business.

>>BTW, did you report it to AAA? 

Oh yes !  and they sent me a nice letter ... we have
forwarded your complaint to the local AAA Inspector !

>>I won't try to compare the US quality of motels and
hotels with 
>>Indian ones. It will not be fair to do so. But when
an Indian hotel 
>>charges prices like US hotels, 

Hmmm ..... where did it charge prices like US hotel. 
As I said,  first find a hotel in a Major US city
where it charges $30 that too for walkin customers!!

Two years back,  I visited Kanyakumari ...hotel was 3
star (as claimed by them and might be true) Rs1500 per
night (< $40)for a sea facing room and was excellent. 
 I had earlier experience in Goa (Tourist Dept hotel) 
in Calengute Beach (on the beach)  where a suite was
Rs1600 .   I will not say it was a Star facility but
clean and fantastic location (you can see the sea from
your bed).  
Try finding a sea facing hotel in a Tourist location
in US for that price  !!!!

>  >BTW,  how about comparing the Star hotels ... the
>hotel in Orlando (HOJO) is a 2 star hotel as rated by

>>**** How about it?

>>Should that define the general standard of hotels
and motels across 
>>the USA? Incidentally HOJO is owned by desis if I am
not mistaken. 
>>That might explain it :-). BTW, did you report it to
AAA?  It does 
>>make a difference. Once I was getting the run-around
on the published 
>>sale price and what I was being charged for a room
at a national 
>>chain rated by AAA. I paid but told the hotel clerk
that I am going 
>>straight to AAA about it.  Shortly thereafter I got
a call in my 
>>room, with apologies, and a refund.

>>I won't try to compare the US quality of motels and
hotels with 
>>Indian ones. It will not be fair to do so. But when
an Indian hotel 
>>charges prices like US hotels, you would expect it ,
at the  very 
>>least, to have similar amenities, even though it
could reasonably be 
>>argued that that they ought to be much better,
considering what that 
amount of Rupees can buy in the local marketplace.

At 8:07 AM -0800 1/11/08, Krishnendu Chakraborty
>The question of comparision does not arise because
>DO NOT find a $30 hotel in major US city that too
>airport.  To compare you will first need to find one
>such hotel
>BTW,  how about comparing the Star hotels ... the
>hotel in Orlando (HOJO) is a 2 star hotel as rated by
>>>To compare the quality of $ 30 hotels in the USA
>>>where the minimum
>>>wage is $ 6.55 per hour with those in India for the
>>>same amount is
>>>quite an interesting tactic.

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