>>So, bed-bugs in Indian hotels is a rarity huh?
>>Since I am no expert 
>>on hotel hopping in India I will just have to let 

But you surely are a hotel hopper in US and know that
Luxury hotels in US DO have Bed Bugs.  Is it a rarity
in US ... by your own admission NO

>>**** Hmmm! I wonder why THAT hotel had vacancy,
>>while the rest were 
>>all full,

I thought you had a little more commonsense.  We
booked it in Advance ... through internet (HOJO site)
if you want to know how.

>>If I am not mistaken, Orlando  has more motels and
>>hotels per square 
>>mile than most other cities in the entire USA

Sure you are not mistaken ?  I mean you were pretty
confident that HOJO is owned by Desi :-) 

>>if not the world. And 
>>THAT  HOJO becomes the the standard bearer of the

Hmmm ....  the same old game.  the Msn news on bed
bugs talks about hotels OTHER THAN THAT HOJO.  Search
the blogs and you will find numerous THAT HOJO/Days
Inn/ Travelodge etc.  Let me know if you need some
help in searching

>>Kup Monduk. The proverbial frog in the well whose 
>>world view is formed by its confines.

That is more appropriate for you who  build his views
on India staying out of India for over 20 years.

>>*** A very poor analogy. An automobile, a product, 
>>is different from 
>>a hotel FRANCHISE, a service.

I booked the hotel through Howard Johnson website and
booked it just because it had the brand label.
Similarly you buy a product based on brand label.  

If the brand owner shruggs off responsibility, it only
means unethical business practice.   
Again,  I did thought you had more wit to understand

>  >Exactly  and so Bed bugs in some sleazy hotel in
>should not be considered as a bench mark

>>**** Heh-heh!

>>So, bed-bugs in Indian hotels is a rarity huh?
>>Since I am no expert 
>>on hotel hopping in India I will just have to let
>>the experts and the 
>>experienced judge that one.

>  >We did move out a day after the incident  did not
much choice ... it was a holiday weekend.

**** Hmmm! I wonder why THAT hotel had vacancy, while
the rest were 
all full, in spite of bed-bugs and leaky bathrooms
that must define 
the state of hotels and motels, except those horribly
expensive five 
star rated ones!

If I am not mistaken, Orlando  has more motels and
hotels per square 
mile than most other cities in the entire USA, if not
the world. And 
THAT  HOJO becomes the the standard bearer of the
Interesting indeed.  There is an ancient Oxomiya  
phrase that 
describes the tack: Kup Monduk. The proverbial frog in
the well whose 
world view is formed by its confines.

But really it is an unnecessary defensiveness. No one
is attempting 
to judge the INdian condition with an American
benchmark. Looks tacky.

>  >
>However,  having choice does not justify the business
>model of HOJO ... an  American Company.   Imagine you
>buy a Tata Indica/Nano in Guwahati and if there are
>problem,  Tata says your dealer should take care of
>.... we do not have any responsibility !

*** A very poor analogy. An automobile, a product,  is
different from 
a hotel FRANCHISE, a service. Consumers are protected
by Lemon Laws 
against defective autos. Filthy hotel operation is a
public health 
responsibility, regulated by local authorities. One
would have 
thought an expert in American business practices would
know the 
difference between a franchise and a product

At 10:28 AM -0800 1/11/08, Krishnendu Chakraborty
>  >>Incidentally the bed-bug infestation in NYC is
>>>confined to sleazy
>>>hotels. It is an epidemic even in some of the
>>>city's glitziest
>>>high-rise condos and apartment houses, a public
>>>health crisis, almost.
>Exactly  and so Bed bugs in some sleazy hotel in
>should not be considered as a bench mark
>>>*** American consumers have many recourses. Easiest
>of it is
>>>availability of CHOICE.
>We did move out a day after the incident  did not
>much choice ... it was a holiday weekend.  In fact,
>on day of incident we did not have ANY CHOICE except
>moving to some 5 star paying a couple of hundred
>dollars.   you will surely have such CHOICE
>in India if you are ready to pay for 5 stars
>However,  having choice does not justify the business
>model of HOJO ... an  American Company.   Imagine you
>buy a Tata Indica/Nano in Guwahati and if there are
>problem,  Tata says your dealer should take care of
>.... we do not have any responsibility !
>>>I have no trouble believing that.
>>>Actually my very first experience in a Chicago
>Travelodge in 1976
>was very much like what these videos portray.
>>>But to suggest or imply that these facilities in
>or Chicago or LA
>or SF or Boston define the hotel/motel scene in the
>USA is what
>defies ordinary logic.
>>>Incidentally the bed-bug infestation in NYC is NOT
>confined to sleazy
>hotels. It is an epidemic even in some of the city's
>high-rise condos and apartment houses, a public
>crisis, almost.
>Wonder where they came from.
>>   >HOJO Franchisees are owned by various people. 
>>I am talking about is owned by some hispanic person
>>... but does that mean HOJO will shrugg off all
>responsibility ... I mean is it the American way of
>doing business.
>*** American consumers have many recourses. Easiest
>it is
>availability of CHOICE. In more damaging instances
>consumer courts
>could be approached for damages.  If I go into a
>that causes me
>concern, the very first thing I do is to go check the
>room out BEFORE
>I pay and check in.
>I did that in Kolkata too, after I experienced  one
>three-star rated joints near Dum Dum the first time.
>Next time I did
>not go by the Pre-paid Taxi operator's recommendation
>or the taxi
>driver's urging. I went, checked the room, looked
>around the windows
>to see if the panes were all in, flushed the toilet
>see if it
>worked , looked under the bed cover , turned the
>shower on to see if
>it worked or if it had hot water and so forth. In
>place with a
>Rs. 2200/- per night  rate  the toilet did not flush.
>It was a fast
>good bye. UNfortunately the CHOICES were few. I had
>settle for

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