>>My point was, with good  transportation system like
they have in India, and for the alleys being so narrow
in most neighborhoods, everyone does NOT necessarily
have to have a car. 

Alpana-ba,  you are right coming to point ... with
good transportation system or let me re-phrase it with
good public transport system.

Cars are not a necessity in cities like Mumbai where
you have well maintained bus (BEST) running till
middle of night which does not wait in stops endlessly
trying to fill up every inch of space,  OR where you
get a Auto in middle of night even in small bye-lanes
which is ready to take you to your destination at a
metered rate.
Cars are not required in many areas of Kolkata which
are covered by Subway or cheap shared autos which
often feeds the subway.

In these places, unless you are a road warrior, you
can live comfortably without a car.

But I would think it is a necessity in places like
Guwahati.  To use public transport, my parents will
have to walk a mile to get to the bus stop because it
keeps moving further regularly (thanks to
constructions and traffic managers who have no clue), 
get into an rickety overcrowded bus and wait till the
conductor is satisfied that the bus is full till brim,
walk another mile after getting down ....  imagine
this in the summer months of June/July or on rainy
days .   OR,  the alternative is to hire an Auto which
will ask for an astronomical amount, meters are just a
showpiece.  After 9 PM, situation is worse ... no bus
and double fare for Autos.  Add to this, the frequent
Chakka Bandhs, Bus drivers strike, Bus owners strike
and what not.

Would it be unfair if they use a car ? I guess no.

Think about your trips to Guwahati and you will
understand what I mean.

>>That was not in my mind - to compare the streets of
India and the US. Because I know if I did I would not
>>Now, just for argument's sake, even if one does
compare, parking on a real road is one thing, and
having to park on top of garbage that comes off the
drain the day before is another. I won't even have to
mention about the space to turn around, etc.
>>My point was, with good  transportation system like
they have in India, and for the alleys being so narrow
in most neighborhoods, everyone does NOT necessarily
have to have a car. 
> Cras are good for going to parties in all finery and
when it is raining.
>>Right. And if it does not flood the roads.


“In order to make spiritual progress you must be
patient like a tree and humble like a blade of grass”
- Lakshmana

> Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 20:07:45 -0800> From:
jaipurschool at yahoo.com> To: assam at assamnet.org>
Subject: Re: [Assam] Tata's Nano - any innovation or
waste pf consumer's money> > even in US people have to
park on the street - infront of most town houses -
like the one I used to stay at. You just need to take
a permit Same is all over Washington DC for is
residents. They park on the street.> > Cras are good
for going to parties in all finery and when it is
raining.> > Umesh> > "Alpana B. Sarangapani"
<absarangapani at hotmail.com> wrote: This is good...>
> ...it would be even better if road conditions were
better. I've seen people having to park on the street
(that includes posh areas in Delhi, MP, Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka, and Assam, of course). Many don't even have
a proper verandah, leave alone a space/garage inside
their compound. > > A country where public
transportation has been so good (that includes Taxis,
Rickshwas, Auto-Rickshwas, 'Trackers' and what not!),
more than private cars, the road space/condition needs
to be taken care of first. And parking space near the
markets? As you know!, that's another nightmare! > >
If I was a current resident of India, I would still
prefer going by a bus to places. But I understand the
economy has been booming...the only thing is that
every issue that contributes towards having a quality
living needs to be taken care of, be it by the
government itself (if that is not done by the
government), or by the influential business
magnates/tycoons/groups. > > My two cents' worth. > >
> > > > > > “In order to make spiritual progress you
must be patient like a tree and humble like a blade of
grass”> - Lakshmana> > > > > > Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008
01:28:38 -0800> From: jaipurschool at yahoo.com> To:
assam at assamnet.org> Subject: [Assam] Tata's Nano -
any innovation or waste pf consumer's money> >
> Umesh Sharma> > Washington D.C. > > 1-202-215-4328
[Cell]> > Ed.M. - International Education Policy>
Harvard Graduate School of Education,> Harvard
University,> Class of 2005> >
http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu
info)> > http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ (Management Info)> > >
> > www.gse.harvard.edu/iep (where the above 2 are
used )> http://harvardscience.harvard.edu/> > > >
http://jaipurschool.bihu.in/> >
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