NRIs are fairweather friends? Can they prove otherwise?
How many NRIs have even devoted ten percent of their income to better the lives 
of even family and friends back home - leave alone Indians by the roadside. 
Ofcourse, most stop drinking anything except bottled water while in India - 
local water is not good enough. Local culture stinks. All thieves and brigands 
- ready to suck their money and organs. SO MUCH TRAFFIC, SO CROWDED. No wonder 
Indians do not feel like sucking up to NRIs - when there are white and Japanese 
tourists who are ready to backpack , sleep on train floors, eat and drink what 
they can get, climb Mt Everest, be grateful to be part of Indian culture - like 
Mark Tully or Franquis Guatier or Mother Teresa or Dalai Lama.


umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Wonder how can India and China even 
together have billions of entrepreneurs unless in each family unit there are 
people who run more than one ventures - one in daytime , another at night etc.

NRIs are bad - so it seems - from Indian perspective - or vice versa. Wonder 
how Chinese US returned behave - my Chinese roommate seemed much more proud of 
his nation than others from India. He is back in China - though he had adopted 
a US name Michael Cheng while in US. In rome do the Romans - as Crocodile 
Dundee put it in Salaam Namaste


HBS Working Knowledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 11:56:41 -0500 (EST)
From: "HBS Working Knowledge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Newsletter: Billions of Entrepreneurs  in China and India

   HBS Working Knowledge Newsletter                  
   Highlights this Week   
   Billions of Entrepreneurs in China and India 
   A House Divided: Investment or Shelter?  
   Working paper: What Do Non-Governmental Organizations Do? 
   Working paper: The Impact of Component Modularity on Design Evolution 
   Summing Up: Does Judgment Trump Experience?     
 ==============================  New on the Site  Billions of Entrepreneurs in 
China and India
 Entrepreneurship in both China and India is rising dramatically and thriving 
under quite different conditions. HBS professor Tarun Khanna explains what it 
all means in this Q&A about his new book, Billions of Entrepreneurs: How China 
and India Are Reshaping Their Futures and Yours. Plus: book excerpt.
  Op-Ed: A House Divided—Investment or Shelter?
 For decades Americans viewed their homes as a safe harbor, a  place to put 
down roots. But the last decade saw the rise of housing as an investment 
opportunity. What comes next? asks HBS professor Nicolas P. Retsinas, director 
of Harvard's Joint Center for Housing Studies.
  Working paper: What Do Non-Governmental Organizations Do?
 Download the pdf. Non-governmental organizations play an increasingly 
important role in international development. They serve as a funnel for 
development funds both from individual donors in wealthy countries and from 
bilateral aid agencies. At the same time, NGOs are frequently idealized as 
organizations committed to "doing good" while setting aside profit or 
politics—a romantic view that is too starry-eyed, according to HBS professor 
Eric D. Werker and Faisal Z. Ahmed. Their paper argues that the strengths and 
weaknesses of NGOs easily fit into economists' conceptualization of  
not-for-profit contractors.
  Working paper: The Impact of Component Modularity on Design 
Evolution—Evidence from the Software Industry
 Download the pdf. What factors should influence the design of a complex 
system? And what is the impact of choices on both product and organizational 
performance? These issues are of particular importance in the field of software 
given how software is developed: Rarely do software projects start from 
scratch. Alan MacCormack, John Rusnak, and Carliss Y. Baldwin analyzed the 
evolution of a commercial software product from first release to its current 
design, looking specifically at 6 major versions released at varying periods 
over a 15-year period. These results have important implications for managers, 
highlighting the impact of design decisions made today on both the evolution 
and the maintainability of a  design in subsequent years.
  Summing Up: Does Judgment Trump Experience?
 Online forum now closed. How is good judgment developed? Whether judgment 
trumps experience quickly gave way in this month's rich exchange of views to 
other questions about how (and the extent to which) judgment is developed, says 
HBS professor Jim Heskett. 
  First Look: New Research by HBS Faculty
 New in publications and case studies: What's in a lipstick? More than one way 
of being beautiful ... Setting the bar in healthcare information technology ... 
Making better markets.
  Most Popular Stories  
  New Challenges in Leading Professional Services
  Working paper: What Do Non-Governmental Organizations Do?
  Sharpening Your Skills: Operations Management
  Working paper: The Impact of Component Modularity on Design Evolution
  If Marketing Experts Ran Elections
  Best of Faculty Q&As Rich or Royal: What Do Founders Want?
 It's a fundamental tension many entrepreneurs face,  the conflict between 
wanting to become rich and wanting to keep control of their new company. Few 
can have both. In the Q&A from 2006, professor Noam Wasserman discusses his 
research into the motivations of entrepreneurs and the people who invest in 
  Elsewhere at Harvard Business School   Web forum on "The Future of Market 
 Join The Conversation with Professors Joseph L. Bower and Herman B. "Dutch" 

  Global CEO Program for China
 HBS Executive Education Program
 March 30–June 28, 2008
  Advanced Management Program
 HBS Executive Education Program
 March 31–May 23, 2008

  Strategic Financial Analysis for Business Evaluation
 HBS Executive Education Program
 April 9–12, 2008
  Creating Corporate Advantage: Strategy in the Multibusiness Firm
 HBS Executive Education Program
 April 23–25, 2008

    Harvard Business Online
 Visit Harvard Business Online, the  Web site of Harvard Business School 
Publishing. Here you'll find articles from the latest issue of Harvard Business 
Review, new book releases from Harvard Business School Press, HBR IdeaCast—the 
biweekly podcast featuring breakthrough management ideas and commentary from 
the editors and authors of Harvard Business School Publishing—HBS case studies, 
and much more.

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 Our address is Baker Library 480, Harvard Business  School, Boston, MA 02163.

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005 (Edu info) (Management Info)  (where the above 2 are used )        

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Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005 (Edu info) (Management Info)  (where the above 2 are used )
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