  When George W Bush found no bush around him to creat another war between 
India and Iran, India and China, Indian and Pakistan- he now started abusing 
INdia in al way till he can.This time India was taugh enough to say that Iran 
and India are two existing oldest civilizations, so he had no way other than to 
cold down. Same way China and India has historic relations as we all migrated 
more than thousand years ago from Mongolia.Hieu En Tchang came to India for 
knowledge.Not like americans to loot.Bush might have poor knowledge in this 
  He wanted to control Indian military misile programme finally to declare US 
as super power.But failed.His father the other Bush Sr. created Iraq war just 
to increase cost of living around the world.India increaed petrol/ fuel hike 
like anything to cover up the cost to trasport the Malayalees from Kuwait 
etc.But the scene made all to kep increasing fuel hike and this made everuthing 
to hike.
  Now he feels bad that we Indian are growing with our own brain and will 
power.So he has nothing much to say like talking bluff. Beter he reire soon and 
relax in Hawai.What way we Indian trouble him is yet to know.
  Indian food problem is created by the Govt of India- thus allowing to vacate 
the cultivating villagers in the name of SEZ. cultivating lands are made SEZ 
andshopping malls,new 8 lane highways, apartments etc.........Remaining are 
into IT sector. Now finally India wil not have cultivator category people to 
produce, Good scientist to produce misiles, or other things....... even 
teachers will get reduced soon.
  God save India now. Dnt think TATAs mono car will feed Indian.

umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

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