Hi JS,

>"Beating an animal to death" is certainly not a humane way of killing an
>animal for food.

I agree. It certainly is cruel. But animal cruelty is practised quite a bit
in India.
We sacrifice animals in the name of religion (not for food). Chicken/ducks
are summarily beheaded, and the sacred cow is often overworked, ill-treated
and when it becomes useless it is left to eat garbage almost all over
India.  Stray dogs are a common sight.  Poisonous snakes are killed upon
sight and rhinos poached.

Yes, India is the country where people in the West look up to for guidance
and try to understand words like "Ahimsa".
It is very difficult for one to understand how in a place where snakes and
cows are supposedly worshipped, animals are ill-treated so much. No, cattle
and snakes are usually not eaten, but that is where India's kindness stops.

>As for the editor, he did make a generalization, but it does not take
>people long to form an opinion based on a few incidents.

I wish it were just that. When I read the piece, I really felt there was
more than that. The piece was more or less condescending throughout. And
then there was arrogance.


On 7/15/08, Jyotirmoy Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Even if the details of the incident have been exaggerated, the fact remains
> that an animal was beaten to death in a hostel room. I think that's a crime
> by any standards of a civil society.
> Just as a gun is not allowed in JNU campus, I don't think killing an animal
> in the hostel rooms is allowed.
> "Beating an animal to death" is certainly not a humane way of killing an
> animal for food.
> I stand by by statement that this person should be punished for his crime.
> As for the editor, he did make a generalization, but it does not take
> people
> long to form an opinion based on a few incidents.  It happens in the west
> too.
> JS
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 11:24 PM, uttam borthakur <
> > >>>>>I love my non-veg food but if we are to believe what has been
> > described, it's barbaric.You don't skin an animal alive in a civlized
> > society.I fully support strict action against this Mr Yoronso.
> >
> >
> >
> > Now please read this:
> >
> >
> >
> > "The three then began to bludgeon the little creature with a cricket bat
> > and curtain rods. After battering her for more than half-an-hour, Yoronso
> > stuck a knife into the still conscious dog and began to cut her, even as
> > she moaned and writhed in pain. Finally, they took a brick and smashed
> > Kali's swollen, bleeding skull. The noise and blood seeping under the
> door
> > attracted attention and a crowd of students and the warden began to bang
> > on the door, forcing it open. Yoronso and his accomplices were caught
> > red-handed — literally."
> >
> >
> >
> > First, you have to believe the story. The description of the happenings
> > inside the room are too graphic. It requires some gullibility! How is it
> > known that Mr. Yoronso skinned the animal when alive? Was it still alive
> > "after they took a brick and smashed Kali's swollen, bleeding skull"
> > subsequent to which they were caught. The smashing followed or was
> followed
> > by cutting the skin? It took the crowd to bang on the door 'half an hour
> of
> > bludgeoning' 'cutting up' and 'smashing'. Too many loose ends. The story
> > appears to be a product of highly imaginative mind. She's more worried
> about
> > her "irish setter' Bindu's fate.
> >
> >
> >
> > Second, what is a humane way of killing? Hanging by the neck? Halal?
> (Guns
> > are not allowed in the campus) Anyone after food would like to kill fast.
> Or
> > is there an assumed 'inhuman' trait in the people other than north
> indians
> > that they derive pleasure from inflicting pain on what they prey?
> >
> >
> > *Uttam Kumar Borthakur*
> >
> >
> > --- On *Tue, 15/7/08, Jyotirmoy Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >*wrote:
> >
> > From: Jyotirmoy Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [Assam] Murder Most Foul
> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "A Mailing list for people interested in
> > Assam from around the world" <assam@assamnet.org>
> > Date: Tuesday, 15 July, 2008, 7:55 PM
> >
> >
> >  Eating an animal for food is not a crime.
> > But there is a humane way of killing  an animal for food.
> > Reading this article makes me feel disgusted. I love my non-veg food but
> if
> > we are to believe what has been described, it's barbaric.
> > You don't skin an animal alive in a civlized society.
> > I fully support strict action against this Mr Yoronso. People like him do
> > create cause for hatred for NE people. I agree that eating a dog may be
> okay
> > in Nagaland but it is not common in most parts of India and he should
> have
> > respected that.
> > JS
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 7:25 PM, uttam borthakur <
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> "One of the most anxious days of our army posting in Nagaland had
> nothing
> >> to do with the insurgency. It was the day, our Irish Setter, Bindu went
> >> missing."
> >> "One of the most anxious days of our army posting in Nagaland had
> nothing
> >> to do with the insurgency. It was the day, our Irish Setter, Bindu went
> >> missing."
> >>
> >> "The University should also refuse to accept Yoronso's Ph.D thesis,
> which
> >> his guide should also refuse to sign. The varsity must also revoke his
> >> Bachelor and Master's Degrees, and co-operate with the police to
> >> chargesheet and arrest all the three men."
> >>
> >> "Apart from the shame of a top
> >> University colluding with criminals, even more shameful is that these
> >> so-called mastermind academics cannot even come up with a plausible
> >> cover-up!"
> >>
> >> "Demand action against the tormentors of a helpless, harmless young
> >> life."
> >>
> >> ......What an attitude! The attitude of the 'occupational forces'. The
> >> respectable Gao Burha was treated like a vermin. Comaparable with the
> >> occupational forces of Israel: the arab in their own land has to seek
> >> permission of the occupational army to grow vegetables or fruits for
> >> sustenance. The 'Irish' setter's [not a desi mongrel there] status is
> >> obviously higher than the lowly cur of a Gao Burha. Mr. Shukla should
> have
> >> tried that stuff in his own state with the village pramukh.
> >>
> >> Just look at her sense of retribution. Only because a dog is a food (as
> >> also in China where Beijing olympic is being staged) for a scholar, he
> >> should be arrested as a criminal! What about the rape perpetrated by the
> >> Indian Jawans in the north east? What about quarantining of the villages
> of
> >> the north east since 'independence' so that the old and feeble and the
> very
> >> young  of starvation and mal- nutrition? What about the wanton killing
> of
> >> the innocent by the army in these areas? Are these not crimes? Has
> shshould
> >> diee ever made a whisper?
> >>
> >> No Mr. Goyari, we do not have to be apologetic about our food habit. If
> we
> >> eat a dog, so what? It is like eating vegetables, another form of life.
> We
> >> are not here to please the sensibilities of the likes of Mrs. Shukla
> here.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Uttam Kumar Borthakur
> >>
> >> --- On Tue, 15/7/08, Phanindra Goyari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> From: Phanindra Goyari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Subject: [Assam] Murder Most Foul
> >> assam@assamnet.org
> >> Date: Tuesday, 15 July, 2008, 4:09 PM
> >>
> >> Following article appeared in Deccan Chronicle paper today.
> >> I also love dogs and other animals. But author's one sentence
> >> is not palatable for many north-eastern people:It says:
> >>
> >> "Apparently North-Eastern students at JNU regularly lynch
> >> and barbecue dogs".
> >>
> >> I heard that many people in Nagaland state eat dog meat. Now
> >> North-Eastern (NE)India consists of eight states: Assam, Arunachal,
> >> Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, Tripura and Sikkim. Except
> >> some people in Nagaland, people from other NE states do not eat
> >> dog meat. FYI, many people in NE India are vegetarians. Thus,
> >> it may be right to say that many students from Nagaland eat dog meat,
> >> but it is not right to say that whole north-eastern students kill dogs
> >> for meat.
> >>
> >> Ambika's above statement is hurting the sentiment of many people of
> >> north-easter region of India.
> >>
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Phanindra
> >> Hyderabad
> >> **********************************
> >>
> >>
> >> Murder Most Foul
> >> article by Ambika Shukla
> >>
> >>
> >> Murder Most Foul
> >> Pets
> >> One of the most anxious days of our army posting in Nagaland had nothing
> >> to do with the insurgency. It was the day, our Irish Setter, Bindu went
> >> missing. Given a free rein of the area, she would romp happily over hill
> >> and dales yet magically appear at one whistle or call. But one evening
> >> there was no familiar figure loping homeward in response to our frantic
> >> whistles and calls. After combing the area, my husband visited the Gaon
> >> Burha (village Pradhan) of the closest Naga settlement and spelt out all
> >> sorts of dire consequences if the dog did not return. Twenty minutes
> >> later, Bindu was safely home.
> >>
> >> An incident that occurred this week brings home the awful fate that
> Bindu
> >> so narrowly escaped.
> >>
> >> On the night of July 7, Yoronso, a 30-year-old Naga student at Delhi's
> >> prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) invited two pals over to
> his
> >> hostel room. Kali, a friendly eight-year-old campus dog (born and
> brought
> >> up there) happened to be sitting near the stairs. Using biscuits they
> >> lured her upstairs into Yoronso' s room (No 248 Kaveri Hostel) and
> bolted
> >> the door. Yoronso fed Kali some rice from the hostel mess and then tied
> up
> >> her mouth.
> >>
> >> The three then began to bludgeon the little creature with a cricket bat
> >> and curtain rods. After battering her for more than half-an-hour,
> Yoronso
> >> stuck a knife into the still conscious dog and began to cut her, even as
> >> she moaned and writhed in pain. Finally, they took a brick and smashed
> >> Kali's swollen, bleeding skull. The noise and blood seeping under the
> door
> >> attracted attention and a crowd of students and the warden began to bang
> >> on the door, forcing it open. Yoronso and his accomplices were caught
> >> red-handed — literally.
> >>
> >> Everyone was nauseated to find the battered remains of Kali and the
> >> cruelty that had been inflicted on the dog. Some students immediately
> >> summoned the police. But the warden, anxious to avoid any controversy,
> >> immediately planned a cover up by removing the body and the murder
> >> weapons. Students were warned not to make any statement to the police or
> >> press. When the police arrived, they conducted a cursory check; but
> >> neither made any arrests nor recorded the prima facie evidence. In fact,
> >> they would have done nothing had not one of the students called up
> >> activist Maneka Gandhi who immediately intervened and lodged an FIR.
> >>
> >> On learning that Gandhi had been informed; the warden issued a letter to
> >> Yoronso asking him to vacate his hostel accommodation. Yoronso is due to
> >> submit his Ph.D on July 21 and was already in the process of vacating
> his
> >> room prior to this event, so the Warden's action is surely an eyewash.
> >> Here is what the institution should do to punish such a crime and its
> >> perpetrators; firstly, Yoronso should be expelled and blacklisted from
> the
> >> school.
> >>
> >> The University should also refuse to accept Yoronso's Ph.D thesis, which
> >> his guide should also refuse to sign. The varsity must also revoke his
> >> Bachelor and Master's Degrees, and co-operate with the police to
> >> chargesheet and arrest all the three men.
> >>
> >> Instead, let's look at how JNU, this haloed learning ground, is actually
> >> conducting itself in the issue. Yoronso has been coached by the
> University
> >> to say that he reacted in self-defence after the dog attacked him. This
> is
> >> clearly untrue for a lot of reasons.
> >>
> >> First, the students unanimously vouch for Kali's gentle, friendly
> nature.
> >> Second, you shoo away or escape from a ferocious dog, you certainly
> don't
> >> lock it inside with you. When this theory failed, Yoronso was provided a
> >> second story.
> >>
> >> Now Kali was supposed to have entered his room and eaten his food. Why
> >> would his food be lying on the floor, and again, why did he not chase
> the
> >> dog away rather than locking her inside? Apart from the shame of a top
> >> University colluding with criminals, even more shameful is that these
> >> so-called mastermind academics cannot even come up with a plausible
> >> cover-up!
> >>
> >> But that does not mean that Yoronso won't get away. In this cruel and
> >> crazy world, even such blatant barbarity might go unpunished if we all
> do
> >> not protest. This apparently is not the first instance of dogs being
> >> killed at JNU. Apparently North-Eastern students at JNU regularly lynch
> >> and barbecue dogs. Kali's mother, Leela, was an earlier victim.
> >>
> >> This won't stop unless we make it stop. I am listing below the numbers
> of
> >> the dean's and the warden and the email addresses of the JNU
> >> Faculty.Demand action against the tormentors of a helpless, harmless
> young
> >> life. This could have been my Bindu.
> >>
> >> If we don't act today, it could be yours tomorrow
> >>
> >> Prof. Yash Pal (Chancellor),
> >> Off: 0112610 2430,
> >> Residence: 01202512075
> >> Soumen Chattopadhyay, Warden
> >> +91 9873439840
> >> Email addresses:
> >>
> >> Feedback is welcome at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> ***************************************************
> >>
> >>
> http://www.deccan.com/Hyderabad%20chronicle/Hyderabad%20ChronicleDescription.asp#Murder%20most%20foul
> >>
> >>
> >>
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