On Aug 12, 2010, at 9:16 AM, Satyakam Dutta wrote:

> So.. What is stopping you?

**** I am not sure the name is familiar. But if you have been in assamnet for 
some time,
you must have seen who does most of the lifting here. So give me a break, and 
put in
your fair share , would ya ? Trust me, it won't hurt. And if you go off on a 
nobody will make fun of or jeer at you. On second though--make that 'most won't 
:-)' . But 
if somebody does, it will be mere sticks and stones---! I am sure you could 
handle that.

Shall we ?

> On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 7:43 PM, Chan Mahanta <cmaha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> My, oh my, Kamal.
>> Your note threw me into a tailspin. For a few moments, I was afraid I might
>> have died and was
>> reading an eulogy, replete with exaggerated and undeserving praises usually
>> reserved for
>> the dear departed.
>> Then I pinched myself, and feeling the hurt, I realized I am alive and
>> kicking. So what's the deal, I wondered.
>> That led me to discount the praises for your usual hyperbole :-) and check
>> where that left it. It still was
>> humbling, to say the least. But I accept it, again very humbly. You have
>> been overly kind.
>> Now I have to strive to live up to the accolades. I knew there had to be a
>> catch :-).
>>> Well,in case of Assam,local politicians are involved to a great extent
>>> in the act of politicisation of the ethnic issue in the state in order
>>> to fulfill their hidden selfish interest.These indigenous politics try
>>> to ginger up people's sentiment by giving the idea that as a
>>> culture-bearing group,the indigenous people should have their own
>>> state which can only ensure preservation of their cultural identity.In
>>> most cases,these Movements are power-oriented.
>>> The rural people in Assam,regardless of their ethnic identities,are
>>> simple and straight in thought and deed.Therefore,in most cases,they
>>> fail to understand the real motive of the political leaders.In this
>>> situation,it becomes very easy for a deceitful and control freak
>>> leader to be active in the folds of ' Political Man' or as an '
>>> Economic Man' to satisfy his selfish interest without the fear of
>>> being detected.Simply stated,these self-seeking politicians are using
>>> 'ethnicity'as smoke and screen to better themselves.
>> **** You ( and Dilip, with his concurrence) have touched on one layer of
>> the causes. But it is
>> an upper layer. We need to dig even deeper to get to the bottom of the
>> issues. So, before *I*
>> attempt to 'splain things, allow me to ask you ALL, once again, to give it
>> another try, and
>> see if you would not mind getting dirty with the real dirt on the matter. I
>> realize there is a
>> degree of reluctance to dig deeper for certain reasons :-), but if we don't
>> uncover and acknowledge
>> these simple realities, how shall we ever place our fingers on the problems
>> and hopefully kick
>> around solution possibilities ?
>> I am sure we can agree that shedding e-tears alone over the state of
>> affairs is not enough.
>> If not us, WHO?
>> So, go get 'em tigers! Kharkhowas we might be, but we can also be baaghor
>> -aag-tel-khowa,
>> if we wish to be :-).
>> c-da
>> On Aug 11, 2010, at 7:44 PM, kamal deka wrote:
>>> Well,in case of Assam,local politicians are involved to a great extent
>>> in the act of politicisation of the ethnic issue in the state in order
>>> to fulfill their hidden selfish interest.These indigenous politics try
>>> to ginger up people's sentiment by giving the idea that as a
>>> culture-bearing group,the indigenous people should have their own
>>> state which can only ensure preservation of their cultural identity.In
>>> most cases,these Movements are power-oriented.
>>> The rural people in Assam,regardless of their ethnic identities,are
>>> simple and straight in thought and deed.Therefore,in most cases,they
>>> fail to understand the real motive of the political leaders.In this
>>> situation,it becomes very easy for a deceitful and control freak
>>> leader to be active in the folds of ' Political Man' or as an '
>>> Economic Man' to satisfy his selfish interest without the fear of
>>> being detected.Simply stated,these self-seeking politicians are using
>>> 'ethnicity'as smoke and screen to better themselves.
>>> KJD.
>>> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Chan Mahanta <cmaha...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> O'-K,
>>>> Eh, kaarw gaat loga nai diya. I just wanted to point out the absence of
>> thought behind the piece.
>>>> Having said that, why don't YOU tell us reasons behind the demand for
>> the ever increasing
>>>> number of states, what the causes at the root of the phenomenon is?
>>>> That would be useful. I know there are many amongst us who are quite
>> oblivious of them.  I like
>>>> to think you are not one of them :-).
>>>> It twmar,
>>>> So-K
>>>> On Aug 11, 2010, at 3:30 PM, kamal deka wrote:
>>>>> I offer my unconditional apology for whipping up a controversy that
>>>>> was uncalled for.I put out the piece in the Net just to give a funny
>>>>> touch.I can assure  all of you---the letter writer did not aim to
>>>>> cause deep hurt to any one, even though the letter seems to contain a
>>>>> semblance of unspoken truth.After all,many a truth  are said in
>>>>> jest--sometimes of course.
>>>>> KJD
>>>>> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Chan Mahanta <cmaha...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>>>> There is nothing amusing about this mindless piece of tripe.  Should
>> our letter writer
>>>>>> have had the desire or the wherewithal to inquire about the REASONS
>> why everyone
>>>>>> wants a state of his own, then he would not have had the reason to
>> write this piece.
>>>>>> Furthermore, HAD the editorial ranks of the rag had any clue about it
>> themselves,
>>>>>> they would not have found it worthy to publish it.
>>>>>> Last but not the least, I am terribly surprised that you Kamal, being
>> one of the rare few
>>>>>> amongst us who has the ability to analyze things enough and the
>> integrity ( even if only
>>>>>> every now and then), to acknowledge the real reasons for the state of
>> affairs in India,
>>>>>> found this piece worthy enough to circulate as something meaningful or
>> noteworthy.
>>>>>> cm
>>>>>> On Aug 10, 2010, at 7:07 PM, kamal deka wrote:
>>>>>> e
>>>>>>> In response to ABSU's recent demand for a separate Bodoland,An
>>>>>>> Assamese kharkhowa,inhabitant of Baksa district,wrote a letter
>>>>>>> addressed to the PM demanding a separate state for himself.Read and
>>>>>>> enjoy.
>>>>>>> KJD
>>>>>>> Dear Mr Prime Minister,
>>>>>>> I am 30 years old, fat, educated and I want my own state. To achieve
>>>>>>> this objective I have decided to proceed on a fast immediately...
>>>>>>> after my next " masor tenga meal", that is. (Considering my body mass
>> index and
>>>>>>> fondness for trans fats, I have deemed this the most apt way to
>>>>>>> protest.)
>>>>>>> I now intend to break bread only after my 2-bedroom flat in Baksa
>>>>>>> district,the heartland of Bodos, is
>>>>>>> declared a state. The state will be known as Kalita Pradesh and its
>>>>>>> capital will be Kalita nagar -- which is what I will name my living
>>>>>>> room. The official language will be heavily accented English spoken
>>>>>>> with a lisp.
>>>>>>> I have decided to go in for this drastic move after discrimination
>>>>>>> against me based on my language, appearance, superior intellect and
>>>>>>> personal hygiene. I request you to consider my case vis-a-vis ABSU's
>>>>>>> demand for a state exclusively for the Bodos.
>>>>>>> My state abounds in man-made and (cow-made) resources, including
>>>>>>> manure from my potted plants and state-of-the-art sanitary fittings.
>> I
>>>>>>> intend to stand for CM and am confident that the residents -- my
>> wife,
>>>>>>> my dog and the affectionate house mosquitoes  -- will cast their vote
>>>>>>> in my favour.
>>>>>>> Mr Prime Minster, I appeal to you to consider my case at the
>> earliest.
>>>>>>> After Bodoland,Kalita Pradesh would become India's 30th state (if
>>>>>>> Gorkhaland, Bundelkhand, Harit Pradesh etc don't beat me to it).
>>>>>>> Thirty is such a nice, round number, don't you think? Since you are
>>>>>>> handing states around, why not add one more?
>>>>>>> While we are at it, let me bring to your notice that my pan-wala, my
>>>>>>> dhobi and a rather irritable bull who sleeps on the middle of a
>>>>>>> neighbouring road, all want their own states. They all allege
>>>>>>> discrimination and are all threatening to go on fast.
>>>>>>> I appeal to you sir, let's break up this beautiful state,known as
>>>>>>> Assam since time immemorial, at the earliest.
>>>>>>> Words like unity has  slipped into obsolescence. Why learn from the
>> West.
>>>>>>> We don't care about Germany uniting or half of Europe becoming
>>>>>>> European Union. After all, we are the smartest race in the world.
>> Let's
>>>>>>> have a new slogan: Be a Bodo,Kalita or Ahom first and break Assam
>> into pieces.
>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>> Biplob Kalita.
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