Not buying it.. Khasi,Garos, Nagas, Mizos never called them Assamese to
begin with. They had their own unique culture, religion and norms.

"If that is so, what happened to the original people of those Mahabharat
times ?
Well, we relegated them to the backgroud, so much so that they are now
classed as ST and are fighting for survival"  - I am not suffering from a
guilty conscience for something I haven't done. On a similar note, the
current generation of Australians cannot be held accountable for what their
great grandfathers did to the Aboriginals. I haven't heard of any mass
murder, crimes by Assamese towards the tribal people. The writer  seems to
harbour a guilty feeling. Can't comment on his or his forefathers' deeds.
BTW, an ST is by choice, not forced as claimed by the author. You would be a
fool to want be be classed in the general category while you can enjoy the
benefits of a ST. Aren't the Bodos of in Karbi Anglong  demanding an ST
status too ... Who forced them?
The writer should ask a Khasi in Shillong if he wants to be classed in a
general catergory, being so advanced in education, lifestyle compared to the
tribals of Jharkhand, Andhra etc. I would like to know if they would ever
want to come out of the "ST" tag FORCED on them as claimed.

"... a few people from Bangladesh " ... that's something new. Not only
Assam, but our neighbours are also complaining. Bloody liars they must be.
A nation is bound by timelines. Once a state, country is formed there are
rules to abide by as far as migration, settlement is concerned. Uncontrolled
migration cannot be accepted.

The people of Mahabharat times - if the author is referring to the tribal
population of Assam( and NE ), they would also be tracing their roots
somewhere else if the timeline is moved back.
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