What I had in mind was an argument or debate where there is no sincerity in 
finding an answer but the effort is to prolong the debate with crafty use of 
words only.  

Dilip Deka dilipdeka at yahoo.com 
Thu Aug 26 01:30:34 IST 2010Previous message: [Assam] The Naxal/Maoist 
Movement, Part 2?Next message: [Assam] The Naxal/Maoist Movement, Part 
2?Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]Uttam,
Did you mean "Ku Tarka"? I haven't seen that word used.
An online Sanskrit dictionary has an entry with similar (may be) meaning:
Dustarka : false reasoning , wrong argument ;
Is this what you had in mind?
I am sure you know that "Tarka-Vitarka" means "argument-counter argument".

Uttam Kumar Borthakur

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