Mahanta Da,
                In the last response, you had stated that owners/ builders of 
the Mega Dam are not concerned about a monster dam being felled by an 
earth-quake, because, the owner is Indian Government and it is not concerned 
about it, as the money spent is only paper-currency. I have not been able to 
buy the argument, because, it does not make any economic sense. None would 
invest in India if the paper currency has no worth. In fact the balance of 
payment situation has led to currency baiting at Seoul and the US has passed a 
bill to impose countervailing duty on imports from economies such as China and 
India as they have not allowed appreciation of their currencies in detriment to 
the US industries.
If your contention were true, Indian government would then spend such huge 
amounts for the welfare of all people with the same zeal in order to get over 
the growing discontent , as displayed by  the fissiparous tendencies all 
around. What the Indian government works for is only in the interest of crony 
capitalism which has even been underscored by a member of the ruling class 
namely L K Advani, when he stated that corporate houses determine who would be 
what in the government.
 I think what one of my friends wrote to me sounds sensible: that there is no 
earlier example of a washout of a dam, though many people (2 lakhs perhaps) 
lost their lives in China in 2008. There were only damages to the dams. So, 
this history may have inspired the Indian Government and its cronies and the 
international investors and also the insurers to throw caution to the winds in 
so far as the fate of the people is concerned. Damages may be cured; 
electricity generation is a must for the corporate houses, big business and 
extraction of alumina from third largest reserve of bauxite from Maoist 
dominated Central India. To hell with lives of petty people that are only 
required during elections; and that can be taken care of in due course, as one 
or the other representative of the corporate houses will only rule India.
And I do not understand your bias in favour of China. As a race I too would not 
demean the Chinese as I would not cast aspersion on my own, but the 
military-industrial-one-party-bureaucratic complex or system in place in China 
would surely act for the interest of it own cronies, as evident from its dirty 
fuel consumption and the havoc already played by its monster dams in more than 
one occasion on its own people.
And the common madness displayed by both China and India in tampering with 
nature is no madness at all. It is the myopia of capitalism that can see only 
the immediate: in the short run. 
Uttam Kumar Borthakur
I do not think China is in a mad race  TO HARNESS Electricity from the Tsang-Po 
-- because as you all know  P  is a multiple of Q.H :
P=Megawatt    Q = Flow through the Turbine  in Cubic metre per second. H=Head 
in Metre   between inlet and outlet of Turbine.
Where is the Q in Tibet?  Except melting snow-and nothing called Monsoon?
India is in a  race-  and it is mad . Poor PLANNERS do  not know Who 
Planned-Why Planned -What for -What will come off  these dams.


Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 00:59:29 +0600
Subject: Clarion call to the Premiers of China and India :Please do not 
obstruct the free flowing Brahmaputra
From: hifangbd at
To: pmosb at


1. You both will be meeting in Delhi on 16 December, 2010 on many issues.
Will you talk on the fate of the Brahmaputra?

2. We know that both India and China do have eagle eyes on the Brahmaputra 
river which has been
flowing thru' China, India and Bangladesh originating from the glaciers of the 
Tibet mountains.

3. Both India and China have been in the mad race of harnessing electricity 
from Brahmaputra 
by constructing several mega-dams upon it. The dirty and ugly methodology of 
mega-dam projects arbitrarily and unilaterally on the part of both the 
countries could be 

termed as flagrant violations of UN watercourses convention, 1997.

4.Will you shun this self-suicidal violent path of leading assault upon the 
natural flow of 
3000km long free flowing river Brahmaputra.

5.The mega-dams will cause mega disaster through obstructing free flowing silt.
Ecology, biodiversity, livelihood and the riverine civilization will be doomed 
throughout the basin. Bangladesh being geographically at the receiving 

downstream end will have the worst fallout.

6. Our clarion call: India, China and Bangladesh.....forget the past. Think 
anew pragmatically. Establish 
Joint Brahmaputra Basin Authority. Harness resource from the common 
international river Brahmaputra 

without causing assault upon nature! Change the development paradigm. Accept 
and oblige nature friendly development discourses for the overall interest of 
the human civilization.


Angikar Bangladesh Foundation, 

Uttam Kumar Borthakur

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