Yes, the entire water transport service industry should be re-organised
(actually organised) - need

1. an institution with accountable systems,
2. efficient and experienced people (many with knowledge of global water
transport industry or may be educated abroad in such specializations),
3. best of the regulations,
4. Infrastructure - modern jetties (even simple pontoon based), modern
ships, fleet control facilities, proper routes, route maintenance (dredging
etc) system, emergency response system,...........
5. planning and development (staffed with quality people - as on no 2)
6. a system both for passengers and cargo
7. integration with tourism, industries, wholesale business...............


1. Dredging and maintaining a sufficiently wide channel for ships
(developed with efficient planning) can also help solving problems like
bank-erosion and flood to a great extent. And can also help reclaiming a
great amount of fertile land from bed of the Brahmaputra for agriculture
and wildlife...........................(not for BDs).....

2. the entire development has to be subsidy based initially / avoid doing
an unnecessary/ nonsense 'feasibility study' - it is nonsense because
everyone knows that it will not be economically feasible considering the
past and current trends.......ignore past trends; go for 'copying'
successful international models if we are unable to develop something of
our own (obviously!).......go for induced development
models..............we will have to establish something that is completely
different and modern system, which in 10 years should be able to lure
majority of the passengers and cargo from Guwahati to Dibrugarh to high
speed catamarans/ hovercrafts or mid-sized cargo ships from the existing
bus, cars or trains

3. a state of the art port nicely integrated with railway system can be
built close to Dhuburi so that some cargo can be quickly transferred to the
north Indian railway should follow the

Amitabh Kakoty

On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 10:31 AM, mc mahant <> wrote:

> demands =  FROM WHOM=for improved
> meteorological services in Assam
> Guwahati: Improved meteorological service and the availability of
> information
> related to weather forecast can reduce drastically the number accidents
> both in
> land and water ways, commented  Journalists?
> Forum Assam (JFA) in a statement, where the forum has also appealed to the
> media houses to provide some space for spreading the information related to
> weather predictions regularly.   WHAT IS
> THE USE-- ??
> ?The Dhubri boat mishap that seemingly ???drowned over two hundred
> passengers
> should be an eye opener for all of us.
>  For crossing a mighty river like Brahmaputra
> that need few hours in some places, nobody should sail without proper
> weather
> updates
>  == BUT THIS BOAT  CAME ( Without any Reverse Thrusting) AND SMASHED ON
> help??
>  The State meteorological office must be  ACTIVATED?? WAS THERE ONE EVER???
> and
> it should disseminate the information through various channels including
> its
> own centers and websites and also the mainstream media,?  HOW COULD
> FERRIES    USE Such  Brilliant Hints
> said
> the JFA statement issued on May 5 by its President Rupam Baruah.
> The JFA also argues that a large number of people have been killed in
> accidents
> taking places around the State, which can be minimized??? with the help of
> timely
> weather related information.   PRAY HOW??
>  Preparing for a long journey, the passengers
> could browse information like the prediction of rain, fog, wind, storm,
> cyclone
> etc and may reschedule their trips.   FERRIES
> TAKE 30>60 MINUTES . WHAT  Long
> ?If the daily newspapers dedicate ""little"" space for weather forecast
> for the
> next 24 hours and the television channels give few seconds for
> meteorological
> updates every hour, the common people will be benefited tremendously.
>  Besides reducing the accidents the information
> will be helpful for millions of farmers too,  but HOW ,HOW, HOW??
>   PONZIKAS ARE THERE.     More   Appropriate!!
> -------------------------------
>        INSTEAD
> should :
> ·    Demand
> Scientific deployment of Dhubri>Sadiya 60Knot Hydrofoil  Passenger service
> with midway 10 stops   for Northbank-Southbank connections.
> ·    Demand
> Rational Boat/Ship building industry at   10 Tributary mouths--  to move
> 200 million Tonnes /year  from Hills to Sea  and back .
> ·    Demand
> Bamboo frames+   Welded Steel Skin --In Standard sized  Catamaran  HULLs
>  --in lieu of Primitive Tubs  in Timber Planks and nails.
> ·    Demand
>  Production Unit For Prime Movers  to 500KW  + WaterJet Thrustor Pumps
>  with Reversing/Steering/Braking .
> ·    Demand
> Dredged FLAGGED Guaranteed  2 metre+ deep
>  Channels   to allow 24x365  Scheduled Longway and Crossing TRAFFIC
> using GPS
> on Auto Pilot.
> ·    Demand
> Qualified- Examined- Certified High Caliber Pilots  on Pool Duty
> for each Craft
> ·
> Demand carrying Life Jacket   and inflatables like in Aircraft.
>  From India-From Dispur-- ??
>  He He!!
> mm
> -----------------------------
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