I respect Indian law and American law and any law of the land - be it of Sudan or Rawaanda. So I respect what Indian govt has to say about it.
PS: shouldn't Mushraf be banned from international travel --after letting lose AQ Khan - the rabid spreader of the Islamic Nuclear Bomb ?

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What is your belief, Umesh?

And how do your colleagues at Harvard view it, if you have discussed?

At 7:02 PM +0000 3/18/05, umesh sharma wrote:
Modi should be ready to reap what he sowed -or what he seemed to sow. truth is what the powerful believe.

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
US denies visa to Modi, India lodges protest


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NEW DELHI: India on Friday lodged a strong protest to the US for its "uncalled for" decision to deny visa to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi and sought an "urgent reconsideration".

 The US had rejected Modi's application for a diplomatic visa, saying his proposed visit failed to meet the conditions for such a permit.

 The consulate also revoked the tourist/business visa already granted to Modi, the US embassy spokesperson David Keneddy said, apparently for ignoring widespread anti-Muslim killings in his state in 2002.

 "Mr Modi's existing tourist/business visa was revoked under section 212 (A) (2) (G) of the Immigration And Nationality Act," Keneddy said.

 "This section makes any foreign government official who 'was responsible for or directly carried ou! t, at a! ny time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom' ineligible for a visa."

 Hours after the US revoked Modi's tourist/business visa, issued in 1998, and denied him diplomatic visa to travel to that country on Sunday, External Affairs Ministry summoned US Head of Mission and conveyed its protest.

 US Deputy Chief of Mission Robert Blake, who met Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran for 30 minutes, said that he had explained the reasons for the decision and India had asked Washington to review it.

 External Affairs Ministry spokesman Navtej Sarna told reporters that the US Embassy action was "uncalled for and displays lack of courtesy and sensitivity towards a constitutionally-elected chief minister of a state of India".

The Ministry of External Affairs called the Head of the Mission to lodge a strong protest against the denial of visa to Modi and requested "urgent reconsideration" of the decision, he said.

 Sarna said government "expressed its deep concern and regret that the US embassy has denied a visa to Narendra Modi, honourable Chief Minister of Gujarat to the US for an event organised by the Asian-American Hotel Owners' Association".

 The Spokesman said the visa had been requested by the Ministry through a Note Verbale to the US Embassy on February 28 this year.

 Asked about the US response, the Spokesman said that Blake had promised to convey this to his authorities including the request for reconsideration and to revert.

 Blake said Saran "expressed Government of India's concern and regret over the decision the US government took."

 Blake said he explained to Sarna that it was based on American law. Blake said t! he Fore! ign Secretary suggested that the US should review the decision because of Government of India's concern.

 Noting that he would report it back to Washington, Blake evaded a reply when asked whether the US would review the decision.

 Earlier in the day, External Affairs Minister K Natwar Singh had said India would take up the issue with the US.

 Singh is also believed to have met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh over the issue.
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