Amongst those point by point answers, this one stands
out a bit. 

> ULFA.  But those 
> who are ready to sacrifice their lives 

Are those in power in the ULFA organization
sacrificing their lives?? The foot soldiers aren't
quite in power, are they?

> in defence of > a goal, one 

Are they "defending" a goal?? Is the goal unambiguous,
unchanged and unshakeable or have other interim goals
taken over?

> if they get power, 

They have power - albeit limited power. They have the
power to put in bombs all over Assam. How exactly are
they showing power?

> they must not follow the same defective and
> dysfunctional ways of 
> desi-demokrasy.

Are they demonstrating, in the way they conduct the
defence of their goal (in their limited demonstration
of power) - that they are NOT following the same
defective... blah...??

> desi-demokrasy. That they must  put in place
> something better.

Have they shown the "something better" alternative to
the people? Do their current actions show that there
is indeed "something better" on the horizons?

In many opinions, the morning isn't quite showing the

> >Are the ULFA or for that any other insurgency
> leaders that great, 
> >dynamic, honest capable of leading the country to
> >peace and 
> >prosperity?
> *** I am not in a position to speak on behalf of the
> ULFA.  But those 
> who are ready to sacrifice their lives in defence of
> a goal, one 
> might think, might be smart enough to realize that
> if they get power, 
> they must not follow the same defective and
> dysfunctional ways of 
> desi-demokrasy. That they must  put in place
> something better.

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