I thought this one thing wouldn't reach Assam - as it has been looked down upon as a tradition followed by the 'desualis' only. Why is it? Because it is accepted in the West?

I still have nightmares of my son getting one (and piercing his ears) and God has been kind to me so far.


Tattoos: adding colour to the youths 

By: Sumir Karmakar, NET News Network 

Guwahati May16: Blue tortoise on the forearm, red and black dolphin on the waistline, black snake on the feet are the passions of 19 years old college lad Sanjeev while his friend Neha likes simple black tortoise on her back. These are not a glance at a magic show, rather a kind of style whiff generating increasingly among the city youths especially the college going generations.

“Eagerness among youths here are hotting up about tattoo. People here were always interested in tattoo but what they was searching for is a professionally managed tattoo bar without any worry for harmful effects”, said Rajnish Bhattacharya, the proprietor of the Kutt’s Tattoo Parlour, the first of its kind in Assam.

Rajnish said that earlier people here used canvas and some sorts of colour, which was harmful for the skin and health as well. “But we apply the latest methods here.”

But how safe it is? “Unlike the earlier methods, surgically sterilized needles are used to avoid any health hazards. But the clients have to follow some instructions so that swelling does not occur”, cautions Siddhartha, an artist who has done a course on tattoo art in Bangalore and now are associated with Rajnish.

Started only a month back at the busy G.S.Road here, the parlour is drawing rave response. While doing his studies, a tattoo bar in a shopping mall in Bangalore was what motivated him to venture into such a new art.”Shillong have already a tattoo parlour, so why not in Guwahati?” asks Rajnish who also plans to start such parlour in Aizwal, Imphal, and Arunachal after a survey to be conducted soon.

Siddhartha explains that the needle seems to pinch the skin lightly and swiftly as it injects colour into the top layer. Ask how much time does it take to take shape? “ It depends on the size and design of the tattoo”, he informs. And about the prices when asked, he mentioned, “The price is based on the size also. Rupees 1000 is the lowest charge but bigger the size the higher the costs”.

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