I am trying to gather strength and enthusiasm to contact a top international organization, where my resume has been forwarded by asenior working there after a very surprising (but touching) recommendation for me towork there. I have now to call on phone the concerned hi-fi ranked people there - some of them from Asia.
Frankly, I feel very uncomfortable with the idea of going and working/studying at a place where everyone dreams of - thats how I felt everyone reacted.You seem so alone - maybe u are expected to be lonely, if u want to be really successful. It is a lonely life at the top -a the saying goes. and 'success has ruined many a man (or woman) - as Benjamin Franklin used to say.
And I am not very good at selling myself on telephone  - if I talk to girls on phone - my level of enthu with them falls. I like eye contact and smiles - to make a connection - even for job interviews perhaps - and maybe body language. You cannot do this all on phone.
However, I had to make a depserate phone last year - for which I travelled 200 miles from Jaipur to Agra to draw strength from the support of an avuncular gentleman who kept praying outside the phone booth , while I spoke for 20 minutes to my friend  in US, who seemed to have had second thoughts about sponsoring my student loan for Harvard. The gentleman had been boosting my strength in Jaipur and had left the city for good -as his son moved down south.
But my decision to come to Harvard was not based  on the dreams of the avuncular gentleman (though he had many contacts in US) who wanted me to make base in US and perhaps help his son also later. When the first batch of students sat for their final exam  on 27 Feb, 2003, I went on an overnight pilgrimage on my motorbike to a nearby dusty, rural township famous for its temple, whose thousands' yearold statue had been found just a couple of decades ago, buried undergorund.
To cut the long story short, I ended up sleeping under the skies -unknowingly in the same complex wheer the statue had been found - for lack of money -and brought back an old man I found there -deserted by his family. He had come ahad, but noone followed him to this place. I sent him home to Kolkata-with train fare and clothes etc -1000 miles away. Seeing the old man's desperate plight and how I was a means to his aid -- I got strength to think of coming to USA. Someone would help me too - just like I did with this crazy old man.
After a series of family quiblings I decided on 03-03-03 date to try to come to USA.
Somehow my students always took it in their stride. Ofcourse Sir can do it - no big deal for him. They seemed more sure than I was. But if I was to see them in top global positions with top aims - I had to make them believe that it is really not a big deal.
Perhaps it is not a big deal to try for this job.
Is it?

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