Title: Re: [Assam] Re: Change of Indian system.
>Is it any different? Reading all the different posts,
to me it does not look like it is.

***  Rajib Das is entitled to that view.

However facts of Desi-democracy's dysfunctionality and its degenerated state
are NOT the same as speculations about ULFA's willingness or lack of it to
come to the bargaining table.

>are known problems of militancy and militants (and why
>it might not want to come to the negotiating table).

*** Yes, militancy is a problem. But how does that prove a desire or lack of it to engage in negotiations for a political settlement? The only proof I have seen furnished by this crowd is that the ULFA  refused to surrender before  sitting down for negotiations, as is expected by them, and thus giving up its bargaining position even before it sat down. And this is the same crowd that goes around sporting the halo of the REAL well-wishers of Assam.

Talk about spinning :-).

At 1:30 PM -0700 6/1/05, Rajib Das wrote:
> *** In this particular case you cite about DD
> sharing DA's
> displeasures over ULFA's  new demands as
> unreasonable and my
> 'sensitivity' to it as you sense and
> equating that to this mythical or even real Bimal
> Das who is
> sensitive to mine or Kamal's pointing out the
> weaknesses and faults
> of  desi-demokrasy ; you are comparing apples and
> oranges.
Is it any different? Reading all the different posts,
to me it does not look like it is.

There are known problems of "desi demokrasy" and there
are known problems of militancy and militants (and why
it might not want to come to the negotiating table).

The known problems, in your case, is again as much of
a speculation in the sense that your feet are not on
the ground. In as much as leaders of ULFA are
"fighting for
their compatriots freedom", the bureacrats and the
politicians ON THE GROUND are working the system for
"the betterment of Assam". In as much as your opinions
of desi demokrasy are colored by your views against
India and the Indian system, DD's views are colored
based on the biases he supposedly carries. In that
sense the "DD vs. Ulfa Leaders" is similar to "CM vs
real CM and bureacrats".

In both cases, the protagonists have come far away to
the luxuries of the west and of opinion giving from
far afar.

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