This op-ed by Pranjal Bezborah is trying to bring an important issueto the 
This India Vision 2020 proports to transform India into a developedcountry in 
2020. I am sure some states will take the cue from Dr.Kalam, and will 
definitely do everything they can to accomplish theVision. Will Assam be one of 
those states?
Bezborah asks the right questions. Where will Assam stand in 2020vis-a-vis 
other states? Will the gaps in development compared to someother states, we see 
now, become more pronounced?
If Assam were to also jump into this band-wagon, what are the coreminimum 
requirements that she must have now to envision such a future.
--Ram________________________________________________Vision 2020 and Assam— 
Pranjal BezborahThe President of India, APJ Abdul Kalam, as Chairman of the 
TechnologyInformation Forecast-ing and Assessment Council (TIFAC) guided 
anumber of technology projects and missions to take India into thetwenty first 
century. The document on Technology Vision 2020 is ablueprint to make India a 
developed country.
Dr Kalam said, "For several decades India has been addressed in 
everyinternational forum as a developing country. It is the dream of 
everycitizen of this country to see India transform itself into a 
developednation in about two decades. The time has now come, when our 
thoughtsand aspirations have to be converted into missions and thereafter 
intoresult oriented actions."
The Vision 2020 has been described in detail in two documents – one byTIFAC and 
the other by the Department of Defence Research andDevelopment in 18 volumes. 
These two documents addressed the wealthgeneration and wealth protection 
aspects in a very comprehensivemanner and identified technology as the linking 
factor. The fusion ofthese two documents resulted in the India Millennium 
Missions 2020(IMM 2020), which has an excellent framework and road map for 
making astrong and developed India by the year 2020.
To transform India to a developed country, five areas have beenidentified where 
the country has core competence for an integratedaction : (1) agriculture and 
food processing, (2) reliable and qualityelectric power for all parts of the 
country, (3) education andhealthcare, (4) information technology and (5) 
strategic sectors likenuclear technology, space technology and defence 
technology. Thesefive areas according to Dr Kalam, are closely inter-related 
andculminate in 30 IMM 2020 missions leading to economic securitymissions, 
involving close, sustained and intense cooperation andcollaboration between 
various agencies of the Government of India,State government agencies, industry 
and business and several otherNGOs. Thus, a strong synergetic partnership among 
research anddevelopment, academia, industry and community as a whole with 
thegovernment departments will be essential to accomplish the vision.
Vision documents suggest that all of us have a role to play inrealising the 
vision, actions are many, but the goal is one. There isa role for every action 
aimed at making a developed India. Dr Kalamdescribes the role of various 
individuals, organisations and agenciesfor the country's transformation as 
follows :
Teacher, banker, doctor, administrator or other professional : Devotea few days 
in a month to doing something better; something speedier;something of high 
quality; something which will make you proud;something which will make a poorer 
or suffering person's life a littlebetter.
Government ministries/departments : Take one mission each to realisethe vision 
of developed India with internal core strength, preferablyin partnership with 
other departments, agencies, NGOs and privatesectors.
Central Public Sector Undertakings : One project each to make adeveloped India. 
They are to unleash their technological strengths.This should be in addition to 
the mission their concerned ministriesmay launch and for which they will 
State Public Sector Undertakings : Mission document asks them totransform 
themselves at least one area to serve the people in theirrespective area of 
operation. If possible they may launch one projectwith partners on similar 
lines that goes beyond their region.
Research and Development laboratories/academic institu-tions : Theyhave the 
unique opportunities to be the front-runner. Eachlab/institution to launch such 
a project of their own, in addition tocontributing to missions PSUs projects, 
Private Sector : Each large private sector industry/organisationshould launch a 
project similar to what is suggested for PSUs, inaddition to its own corporate 
plans and other demands placed on it bygovernment sponsored missions and 
Media : They should spread the message of success, however small thesuccess is. 
There are many grim events and developments that they haveto cover, but the 
positive can also be news. They have a role inbuilding up an image of an India 
with hundreds and thousands of heroesand heroines who are changing the 
country's destiny.
In the book India 2020, APJ Abdul Kalam and YS Rajan said that theyheld 
discussions with economists, agricultural experts, technologistsfrom different 
fields, from industry, government administrators atvarious levels, 
non-governmental professionals and activists, mediapersons and political 
leaders at different fora as to the achievementof vision. They came to the 
conclusion that concerted efforts in fiveareas can lead to a major movement 
towards transformation of thenation. These five areas are marked by strong 
interlinkages andprogress in any one of them will lead to simultaneous action 
in otherareas as well. They suggest each and every Indian, in different walksof 
life, to contribute something towards realising the vision for thenation.
When we look at Assam, one of the economically backward States of thecountry, 
nothing tangible we see that is being initiated towardsrealising the millennium 
vision to transform India in to a developedcountry by 2020. Five years of the 
millennium have passed and it seemsthat we the people of Assam are not at all 
concerned about the vision.As envisioned India will become one of the developed 
countries of theworld in 2020, but what will be the status of development of 
Assam?The gap between the already underdeveloped State and the developedregions 
of the country will tremendously increase. Do we not have adream to live in a 
developed India?
Assam needs leaders who can command the change for transformation ofthe State 
along with the other parts of the country into a developedState embedded with 
knowledge society in the coming 15 years. Theleaders are the creators of new 
organisations of excellence. Qualityleaders are the magnets who will attract 
the best of persons to buildthe team for the organisation and give the 
inspiring leadership evenduring failures of individuals or organisation, as 
they are not afraidof risks. What we need now is the empowerment at all levels 
in theState. When individual or a team is empowered with technology,knowledge 
and experience, transformation to higher potential forachievement is assured. 
When the leader of any institution empowershis or her people, leaders are born 
who can change the nation inmultiple areas. When the political leaders of the 
State empower thepeople through visionary policies, the prosperity of the State 
iscertain.(The writer is Director Incharge, Centre for Manag!
ement Studies,Dibrugarh University).
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