Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 09:36:00 +0530
Subject: CSE's Hindi films on environment and development

CSE's Hindi films on environment and development (ideal for Education, Outreach & Advocacy)


Watch ... Think...... Act.........

The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), Delhi, India (www.cseindia.org) brings you a powerful compilation of 10 HINDI films on environment and sustainable development.

These films are also available in English and can be ordered online. List of films and ordering details appended below.

Why use CSE films ? Educators, Teachers, Social Activists and Companies who use CSE films report that their audiences retain more information, understand concepts more rapidly and are more enthusiastic about what they are learning. With films! as one component in a thoughtful lesson plan, students often make new connections between curriculum topics, and discover links between these topics and the world outside the classroom.

CSE films are uniquely suited to:

-take students on impossible field trips - Thar desert, National forests

-take students around India, to meet new people and hear their ideas

-explain the science and politics of environment

-provide critical links between information and understanding

By exploiting the medium's power to deliver lasting images, teachers can:

- reach students with a variety of learning styles, especially visual learners

- engage students in problem-solving and investigative activities

-begin to dismantle social stereotypes

-provide a common experience for students to discuss

I am confident that you will find these films to be an effective tool for education,
outreach, and advocacy.

! The ordering details and brief write-up on the hindi films is appended below.

Should you require any further clarifications, please do not hesitate getting in
touch with me.

Vikaas Khanna
Tel: 29955781,29956394


ORDERING DETAILS To order please write to us at:
Centre for Science and Environment
41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area New
Delhi 110062, INDIA.


* To pay by Cheque/ Demand Draft/ Money Order: Please make it in favour of Centre for Science and Environment (Please add Rs.15 for non-Delhi cheque and Rs 200 for courier charges). International customers: please add US$50 for courier charges.

* To Pay by credit card fax following details to us at +91-11-29955879
Credit card no: Expiry Date of Credit : Card CV No (Last three digit on
the reverse of the ! card): Amount to be charged:Signature:


1. Hindi Title - Aur Kitne Dhara: Sikudte Sansadhan, Pasarte Hum
Duration: 26 min, VHS/VCD, Rs 750 / US $25
English title - Three Planet Syndrome

Until recently, if you wanted to live in a sustainable house, you probably had to design and build it yourself. In the 1980s UK filmmaker, Ashley Bruce, did exactly that. He turned his cottage into an eco-home, with passive solar heating and photovoltaic cells on the roof. 20 years on, he wants to find out if more people can live better, on less. It is the only way, he argues, that we can stop using resources we don't have or - "too many planets". Bruce visits two new mass housing developments in London, to see how sustainable principles can go beyond design, and begin to influence lifestyle choices - without compromising comfort. And with demand for g! reen living on the increase, even mainstream housing developers are getting in on the act. Earth Report also visits a spin-off
project in a South African township.

2. Hindi Title: Dushit Jal Ki Ujali Gatha
Duration: 19 min, VHS/VCD, Rs 750 / US $25
English Title: Miracle In Calcutta

Like so many megacities in developing countries, Calcutta can't afford
sophisticated water treatment and polluted water is an all too real threat to the
health of the Indian city's two million inhabitants. But as Bjorn Vassness' inspiring
film shows, a local initiative by fishermen has become an environmental success
story. A simple filtration technique allows sewage to pass through a whole series
of man-made ponds and canals where naturally occurring algae and plants such
as hyacinths cleanse the wastewater. As a result, the now filtered water is
suitable to farm fish. The `miracle' in Calcutta is the recycling sewage reduces
the ri! sk of hazardous water-borne diseases, while offering employment, food and
good health to its citizens through a now sustainable fishing industry.

3. Hindi Title: Kachra: Jeevika Banam Vyavasay
Duration: 26 min, VHS/VCD, Rs 750 / US $25
English Title: Pulp Aid: The Economics of Waste

Europeans generate an average of 300 kilogrammes of waste, per person per
year. A lot of it goes to landfill sites, but space is running out. In a few European
countries, consumers have become very enthusiastic about recycling. In
Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands around half of household waste is
collected for recycling. But what happens after it's dropped in the recycling bin?
Across Europe, 45 million tonnes of waste paper is recycled each year. Most of it
goes back into Europe's paper mills. But around seven percent is exported to the
developing world. Are these exports harming local enterprise in the poorer
countries! ? Or is it a sensible way to recycle and stimulate new business on a
global scale? Earth Report goes to Mumbai in India, to find out.

4. Hindi Title: Desi Beej, Videshi Kabza
Duration: 26 min, VHS/VCD, Rs 750 / US $25
English Title: Seeds of Conflict

The developing world is home to the majority of the world's plant species. The
pharmaceutical and agro-industries of the rich north are the main profit-makers
from this great wealth. Critics accuse them of bio piracy, using biological
resources without having the right. Earth Report investigates that claim and finds
the companies insisting they are keeping to national and international rules.

5. Hindi Title: Thar: Marubhumi Ke Chamatkar
Duration: 52 min, VHS/VCD, Rs 750 / US $25
English Title: Thar: Secrets of the Desert

Consider the Indira Gandhi canal, cutting through the Thar desert from
Ganganagar to Jaisalmer. Isn't it the perfect symbol ! of development in post-
independence India? Yes, it is. It has brought malaria to the region. Instead of
money, people got mosquitoes. The video highlights this contradiction by looking
at those times, and practices, when a rich culture and trade flourished in
Rajasthan, the world's most populous desert. It shows how humans, animals and
nature fused into a life world that took care of needs without damaging the

6. Hindi Title: Boond Boond Se Ghat Bhare
Duration: 48 min, VHS/VCD, Rs 750 / US $25
English Title: Harvest of Rain

One of the basic principles of water management is simplicity itself. Conserve
water where it falls. But we are chasing hydraulic nightmares: big dams and
canals. An age- old wisdom lies forgotten. This video is dedicated to India's
traditional water harvesting systems. The camera wanders through Uttar
Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, recording a profound sci! ence
of the people. This video analyses a wide variety of systems as a function of
differing ecological terrains. Let us understand how water should be managed.

7. Hindi Title: Jal Yoddha
Duration: 22 min, VHS/VCD, Rs 750 / US $25
English Title: Waterworks India: Four Engineers and a

It takes the viewer to meet five ordinary people, who have kept the intricate
traditional science of water management alive from the modern onslaught. Four
of them are engineers - First is Chewang Norphel from Ladakh who makes water
harvesting structures which are locally called "zings", Second is Magga Ram
Suthar from Jaisalmer who makes Beris, Third is Ran Singh from Churu, who
makes kundis and the fourth is Kunhikannan Nair from Kasaragod, who makes
surangam. Ganeshan is the Neerkatti or the Manager who hails from Madurai.
The documentary introduces a viewer with the technique as well as the social
management practic! es governing it.

8. Hindi Title: Jal Swaraj
Duration: 22, VHS/VCD, Rs 750 / US $25
English Title: Plumbing the Rights Part I

It focuses on the issue of water as a common property and a right that is
indistinguishable from the right to life. The film documents local communities
from India and South Africa striving to maintain this right in the face of official
opposition. In the Indian state of Rajasthan, where community efforts have
revived traditional water harvesting structures called johads, villagers of Lava ka
Baas are resisting the state government's move to destroy their johad. In South
Africa, official curb on access to water for people who cannot pay for it is forcing
communities take the water illegally.

9. Hindi Title - Jaiv Prodhyogiki: Vardan Ya Abhishap
Duration: 27 min, VHS/VCD, Rs 750 / US $25
English Title - High-Tech Harvest

World-wide food production has to double by 2! 020 to feed an estimated global
population of up to eight billion. Nowhere is that pressure felt more keenly than
Africa - a continent where for every five people, four are farmers - and yet where
famine still occurs. Africa is a continent overlooked by the Green Revolution and
where ancient fragile soils are particularly vulnerable to erosion. It's not surprising
therefore that the benefits which enthusiasts say are offered by biotechnology -
improved quality and yield from genetically-modified crops - are viewed with more
favour and far less scepticism in Africa than in the well-fed West. High-tech
Harvest examines the arguments in support of biotechnology set against the
concerns of those who claim it's too early days to know what the long-term
effects of GMOs will be on Africa's environment.

10. Hindi Title: Jalvayu Pariwartan: Prabhaav
Duration: 27 min, VHS/VCD, Rs 750 / US $25
English Title: Changing Climates : The Impact

Is there concrete evidence that the greenhouse effect is changing our climate?
This video travels to Africa, Asia and North America to find out if the long
predicated change is already having an impact on society and the economy.

Making a decision to acquire these powerful tools could well be the most
important decision you make today. Also, avail 15%, limited period discount, on
ordering full package of 10 films. The discounted package price is Rs.6375
(US $ 212) plus Rs.200 (US $50) for the courier charges.

For online purchase please visit CSE-Store at:

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