I think only becos of this lagging in issuing voter ID cards  that so many illegal immigranst have been able to enter and settle down here. They have got the info that it is very easy here noone checks.

Ram Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Logically, at least 50% of these voter IDs ought to have been finished
since the Center has already provided 50% of the cost. But .45% only?

The Center, somehow must have been the culprit here. So, lets blame
Indraprastha and sit back & relax.

Assam lags far behind in EPIC scheme

NEW DELHI, Aug 5 (PTI): There has been a considerable progress in
issuing of Electors Photo Identity Cards (EPIC) with nearly 69.5 per
cent of the electorate being provided the card, the Lok Sabha was
informed today.

Replying to written questions, Law Minister HR Bhardwaj said while
Pondicherry had cent per cent electorate with EPIC, Kerala had almost
99.97 work finshed. Assam was the State where only 0.45 per cent
electorate had been provided with the cards.

In rest of all the states and Union Terr! itories, the work of issuing
of EPIC was complete by more than 50 per cent. The expenditure on
preparation of EPIC is share between the Central and the State
Government on 50:50 basis and a sun of Rs 542.80 crore had been
released to the State Governments.

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