Title: Re: [Assam] Much Ado about What?

>Till such a time, Assamese people (who want to celebrate) will have to do it mutely and without drawing much fanfare.

**** You are right. We have noticed :-).

But seriously, if YOU were in Assam this past August 15, and there were no threats or show of force from no 'thugs', in uniform or otherwise, would you have preferred to rush to a freshly ploughed or the usually trodden-bare grounds of 'Joj-fild' to listen to heroic and inspiring 'boktrita' ( harangues) from some light-headed general and or other equally light-headed 'sorkari' luminaries
or stay home tending to you our 'bhendi' plants or engage in 'adda' with your favorite neighbor over endless cups of tea served in 'mekuri-kania' ( cat-ear sized) kops ( cups--to Jokaisukiyas, like myself)?

Tell us the truth Ram.They have truth detectors implanted in this net now. We can detect fake-patriotism and SPIN in a split second here.

>And you think the ULFA is least bit interested in 'peace talks'. ?Their actions >of bomb blasts and mayhem before the I-Day doesn't seem to tell us that they >are making overtures for such a solution.

**** You maybe be right, and ULFA might NOT be interested. But what IF they are? Should we not encourage and support ANY overtures that might emerge, like it has thru MRGoswami's efforts? Should we instead assume, with our prescience or fake-intelligence,that they are not interested, and thus remain either pessimistic or apathetic or actively attempt to undermine such efforts like one of those light-headed, ghee-bellied generals who has this obviously self-appointed role of Assam's strong-man, has been doing?

>A negotiated settlement or peace talks needs at least 2 parties. It will never be possible, when one of the parties is out playing Rambo.

**** I have to agree with that Ram. So what is Manmohan Singh's excuse for acting Rambo Singh and dragging his feet ?  The same old BS of saying sweet things but not meaning it?

On another but related matter, did you see Sri( not Sir)  Reghupaty's
( MHA-mukhopatro's) denial of any knowledge of ULFA being innkeepers, or more precisely the Hiltons of  Dacca or Patels of Pabna ? What happened? What are you guys? GWBs, being taken for a ride by your own CIA's? Boy that must have been a RAW deal, wasn't it? Tsk, tsk! I would like to see the squirming in the Editorial  offices of  the Sentinel and the Statesman and the AT  now. But then again, if they had any such compunction, they would not have willingly participated in the propaganda to begin with, don't you think?

c-da :-)

At 5:12 PM -0500 8/17/05, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
>For some strange reason however, I doubt there will be profound
>analyses and proclamations about the victory of democracy over the
'.thugs', and an impending demise of the insurgencies.?
For people to go out and "really" celebrate two things must happen:
(a) No threat whatsoever, perceived or otherwise : ie they should feel safe
(b) No CRP or others with heavy bondobast - since that gives the impression that it really is NOT safe.
Till such a time, Assamese people (who want to celebrate) will have to do it mutely and without drawing much fanfare.

>And if so, should the people, including us, not raise their voices to
>bring an end to the insurgencies thru a negotiated political solution
And you think the ULFA is least bit interested in 'peace talks'. ?Their actions of bomb blasts and mayhem before the I-Day doesn't seem to tell us that they are making overtures for such a solution.
A negotiated settlement or peace talks needs at least 2 parties. It will never be possible, when one of the parties is out playing Rambo.

On 8/17/05, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was waiting to exhale after holding my breath for so long--about
the impending violence and mayhem on Dependence Day--I mean,
Independence Day :-) celebrations
and also to read about all the throngs that would have defied the
insurgents' call to go listen to the 'netas' on I-Day. But there is a
curious silence in the news media. The ONLY reference I found was at

Apparently , except for a few ministers,hardly anyone went to
re-plant their faith in 'independence' and desi-demokrasy or sow
seeds of discontent on the freshly ploughed grounds of the Judges'
Field. Well, what the heck, maybe the grass will grow better next

Question is however, what is the story? I mean is it, like the Dainik
J. announced that the presence and alertness of the 'security' forces
prevented the violence ( and also the turnout of the loyal celebrants
dying--not literally now--to take part in the festivities)? Or is it
the fear caused by them insurgents' threats? Or was it empathy with
the insurgents' calls? Or was it due to a deep apathy and cynicism
towards these so called independence celebrations?

For some strange reason however, I doubt there will be profound
analyses and proclamations about the victory of democracy over the
'thugs', and an
impending demise of the insurgencies.

And if so, should the people, including us, not raise their voices to
bring an end to the insurgencies thru a negotiated political solution?


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