Title: Re: Fwd: [Assam] "Boga Baduli" and BPO Boom--Part 1
You are right BK.

People, professionals, most of us 'probaxi Oxomiyas in the west, won't risk their life's savings to go invest in an environment where there is no accountability, no trust in governance and its institutions, even if they had a little to spare.

I raised a question here in Assam Net sometime back after seeing the report that the UK's second or third largest FDI is from India, on why it is so, while India is seeking FDI from around the world? My ol' buddy Dilip Deka tried to explain with some spinning :-),and avoiding the obvious but it did not explain anything.

Recently I asked the question of the Indian Embassy First Secy., Mr. Jaswal, an articulate and refined gentleman, whom I had the opportunity to sit with for a few minutes in a reception here in St. Louis. He seemed unaware of it and was momentarily taken aback. Then he said that it is probably because of an easier business environment. I was going to quiz him a bit more on it, but he was rescued by an interruption and I could not follow up :-).


At 6:32 AM -0400 8/22/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 06:31:02 EDT
Subject: Re: [Assam] "Boga Baduli" and  BPO Boom--Part 1
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>>>There are many members in this list , settled in the USA, UK etc., who are millionnaires. I wish some of them would get together and make an effort to open one in Guwahati / Assam. The Govt will only be too willing to help them.<<<
I don't think there are many millionaires in UK or USA as suggested. I agree they could be small investors. However, people have lost confidence on Assam Government offcials' efficiency in such matters.
I expect people to disagree with me on my submission. At least that is my personal experience.

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