On 12/9/2011 9:07 AM, Steve Comstock wrote:

Right, so I would argue that the GET approach is more 'traditional'
than the 'traditional approach' you describe: it's been around longer.

I should have said 'typical'. The flaws introduced by older 1960s-era designs
have been corrected in modern implementations. It's practically impossible to
find a modern-era service that handles a simple 'end-of-data' condition using an
out-of-line branch, and with good reason.

You set up a deliberate disonance when you use the word 'arbitrary';
there need be nothing arbitrary about the routine jumped to for an
EODAD occurrence: it should be well planned and naturally take the
control flow to the next part of the logic.

When DCBEODAD was designed, stacks were not used. In modern code, an out-of-line
branch risks a situation where one or more stack frames do not get unwound. This
is exactly the sort of thing that would be flagged by tools that look for
problematic programming that violates good architectural and coding practices,
such as those from 'Cast Software' that are getting so much press lately--having
found Java to be the most problematic language and COBOL the least in a study
involving 745 applications from 160 companies in nearly a dozen industries which
totaled 365 million lines of code.

Actually, the EODAD (and other DCB exit routines) might be more
closely compared to exception routines in languages such as
Java: event-driven routines that get control specifically when
some event occurs. Event handlers, if you will. Which is more
'modern'? Which is 'better'? As you know, the answer is always
'it depends'.

Such 'event handlers' are usually designed to deal with the stack frame issue I
mentioned above, just as ESTAE is aware of the System z hardware linkage stack.
DCBEODAD does no such thing.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245
310-338-0400 x318

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