Some further observations on this situation.

On naming the perpetrator: It is easy to sound like one of a gaggle of
pompous and self important journalists who all know some nasty little
secret or piece of gossip, but have appointed themselves gatekeepers
of the news and are unwilling to publish. But take care - it is one
thing to name the culprit, but another to risk making false
accusations of what the offending code does, what dangers it offers to
customers, and what opportunities it provides to would-be malfeasors.
Certainly if the code turns out to be benign, someone who has made
claims as to its dangers may find himself in a bit of a pickle. Even
if "everybody knows", I'm going to let this ISV make their own
considered and hopefully detailed statement, which I have no doubt
they will do in time.

It seems to me that there are three other aspects that can stand
further discussion.

First is the very existence of a PSW stealer in 2012. I think there is
complete agreement that, while this may have been both necessary and
acceptable practice in say, 1980, it is for several reasons both
astonishing and completely unacceptable today, regardless of any
exploits that it may enable. Even though the code takes pains to pass
control on to the IBM FLIH within a few instructions for common cases,
I imagine that many customers will still not appreciate the
performance or reliability implications of having such code installed.

Second is the apparently stealth nature of its installation. Here
again, I tread carefully, because I don't know what documentation its
provider may have given to its customers. Perhaps customers are warned
when they install the offending product (which is, to be quite clear,
not all or even most products from this ISV) that it replaces IBM's
Program New PSW with its own, and thus intercepts all program checks,
including routine page faults, PER interrupts, and so on. But let's
not get carried away. This is not the Sony root kit scandal, or the
Carrier IQ case. This code does not attempt to hide itself from
inspection or analysis, nor does it appear to intentionally return
misleading results.

Third, of course, is the matter of whether it does in fact provide any
exploitable way for an unauthorized program to gain control in an
authorized state. Perhaps we will all know that sooner rather than
later. As I suggested earlier, the code does not pass any kind of
sniff test. Any program that under any circumstances turns off the
problem state bit in a PSW, which this code does, demands
documentation and/or a clear statement of integrity. Perhaps all such
circumstances are covered by clear and undefeatable controls, but as
others have pointed out, there are surely plenty of options for
programs to accomplish this sort of thing using standard facilities.

It seems to me that, apart from the eagle eyed Keven Hall, the parties
who must know that this code is installed at many sites are its
provider, and, by virtue of the unequalled number of dumps it receives
from its customers, IBM. That IBM has not to my knowledge issued any
public warning about it suggests to me that that while it may be
"evil" in a design sense, this code may well not do anything bad in a
practical one. IBM would surely not stand by if a widely deployed
product provided a convenient method of breaking IBM's own statement
of system integrity, so I conclude that it most likely does not.

Tony H.

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