
Very clever!  Personally, for everyday use, I prefer things a bit more
"plain and simple."  Though, I might consider creating a macro to
incorporate such a technique:
          EXWOW R2,(PACK,DWORD,0(R10))

The latter being only marginally better than:
          EX    R2,=S(&MVC,DESTINATION_BUFFER,0(R10))

Of course, one could simply locate the target instruction in with
constant data that is assembled into program object, since that already
has a base.  I use LARL with EX because I like to keep the target in the
vicinity of the code with which it belongs logically.  I do like that
your technique does keep the essential nature of the target very much
within eyeball range.

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From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List
[mailto:ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] On Behalf Of Martin Truebner
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: Base registers


how is this (until EXRL is legalised ;-)

  EX  R2,=S(7*16+&PACK,DWORD,0(R10))

And Yes- I am aware of problems in the literalpool having
different usings

- (for Robin) and I have verified that R2 is between F and 0 and
that R10 is on the beginning of a string)

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