I suggest you learn how to use LOCTR. It's a much simpler method than using
=S(xxxx) and certainly more readable. I'm not recommending in the way LOCTR was
used with DATA / CODE example although that is certainly one way.

My programs have the following in the program start macro (after the csect is
generated). &CSECT contains the CSECT name since &SYSECT and &SYSLOC are not set
when the CSECT is generated  in the macro that generated the CSECT.
#EX    LOCTR ,            Execute instructions inserted with this location
          DS      0H          Instructions must be halfword aligned
&CSECT LOCTR ,     Back to program

If you use the  DATA / CODE method, then you will want this just before the CODE
LOCTR. I'm not suggesting you use this method but just in case you do.

Here is a sample call to my #EX macro below
     #EX   R2,'MVC  SOURCE(0),DEST'
and it generates (length is checked where length was calculated)
    BCTR R2,0        Length relative to 0
    EX  R2,#EX_xxx     Execute the instruction
    LA    R2,1(R2)   Restore length (does not modify CC)
MYPGM LOCTR ,       Back to program

Hope this helps, Jon.

.* Desc: Execute instruction
.* Copyright: 2010-2012 Jon Perryman
.* Function:
.*   Makes the length relative to 0 and executes the
.*   specified instruction using the specified length.
.*   The register is restored back to a length relative
.*   to 1.
.* Change log:
.* 2/12/2010  JPP    Created
         MACRO ,
&LABEL   #EX   &RELATIVE=1         Specify 0 if reg already rel=0

         AIF   ('&LABEL' EQ '').NOLABEL
&LABEL   EQU   *

         AIF   ('&RELATIVE' EQ '0').LEN_OK1
         BCTR  &SYSLIST(1),0     Relative to 0

         EX    &SYSLIST(1),#EX_&SYSNDX

         AIF   ('&RELATIVE' EQ '0').LEN_OK2
         LA    &SYSLIST(1),1(&SYSLIST(1))  Relative to 1

&WORK2   SETC  '&WORK'(&WORKN+1,99)
&WORK    SETC  '&WORK'(1,&WORKN-1)
#EX      LOCTR ,          Group #EX
&SYSLOC  LOCTR ,        Restore location counter

         MEXIT ,
         MEND  ,


 On Behalf Of Martin Truebner
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: Base registers

how is this (until EXRL is legalised ;-)

  EX  R2,=S(7*16+&PACK,DWORD,0(R10))

And Yes- I am aware of problems in the literalpool having
different usings

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