It's unclear either from the description or from the diagrams
as to what you are trying to do.
How about a  hex string of before, and another after?

Anyway, for shifting 4 bits to the left, MVO comes to mind.
For collecting the low order 4 bits of each byte, MVN comes to mind,
and ditto for the high-order 4 bits of each byte, MVZ.
For placing the extracted 4-bit fields in adjacent positions, PACK is good.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Sent: Friday, 29 March 2013 7:20 AM
Subject: Shifting The High Order Bits

does anyone have a routine, or event know an instruction
that would shift the high order bits of "n" bytes
either 8 bits of 4 bits to the left as a unit:
for example
X 'D48199838840F2F96bF2F0F1F340'


then shift the high order bits to the left

Paul D'Angelo

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