On Fri, 12 Apr 2013 07:23:48 -0700, Jon Perryman wrote:

>Tom is not saying you should change your coding style.


>You leave the data areas and literals at the end of
>your source code. You add LOCTR statements into your
>program to change generated machine code sequence.

I would say "You can".

I had to do this just last week for a program that I was modifying.
The change was big enough to cause the program to exceed the
addressability with the base registers, so I converted it to use
relative addressing.

Our standards call for the base register to point to the beginning
of the module, so I used LOCTR instructions to move the data areas
to the beginning of the CSECT and changed all of the branches to
relative branches.

It was relatively painless to make the change.  In fact, it was
easier (IMO) than it would have been to move all of the definitions
of data to the end of the program and change the way that the base registers
are set.

Tom Marchant

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