From: "Dougie Lawson" <>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 10:32 PM

If I have a table of 3,500 entries of twelve bytes (I'm doing a compare of
eight bytes to find the entry I'm looking for and a check on a half word
marker for the end of the table to avoid running off the end) then is it
worth the pain of re-writing it as a binary search.

If it is worth the pain and does anyone have a sample binary search tucked

The table is built into a CSECT at the bottom of my code. I can restructure
it if we need any special pointers to make a binary search work.

This may help:-

Array c has lower bound 0, upper bound n:
i = -1; k = n+1; /* pointers that always point beyond the smallest and largest 
values */
do while (i+1 < k);
  m = isrl(i+k,1);
  if c(m) > j then k = m;
  else if c(m) < j then i = m;
  else return (m); /* element found */
return (-1); /* element not found. */

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