There's no performance difference. Although I add comments, most just look at 
the code and quickly understand it's padding by dropping the 1 off the front of 
the number.

If you don't like the TRICK, then use one of the following. I tend not to write 
macros for 1 line. 4 lines if you check the size. 
&PADDED  SETC   '000&C'(K'&C,4)      pad left to 4 characters
&PADDED  SETC   '&C.000'(1,4)           pad right to 4 characters

Jon Perryman.

> From: John Gilmore <>
>I do not see much difference in performance between my substringing
>operation and Mr. Perryman's; and I prefer that counters count what
>they are counting in unbiased, if you will simplistic, fashion.
>Tricks  lead others astray unless they are accompanied by tediously
>detailed comments, and sometimes even then.  Mais, a chacun son goûte.
>In any case all such operations should be packageded up in a macro.
>My own is imaginatively called PADDER.  It pads on the left or right
>parametrically with repetitions of a nominated or default single
>character or repetitions, perhaps truncated, of a nominated character
>string of non-identical characters.

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