:>>             MVC  TARGET(0),SOURCE
:>>             EX   Rx,*-6

:> Requires a code base register.

Well, ish:

             LARL Ry,*+6 
             MVC  TARGET(0),SOURCE
             EX   Rx,0(,Ry)


             BRAS Ry,*+10 
             MVC  TARGET(0),SOURCE
             EX   Rx,0(,Ry)

BTW, if you include MVI  TARGET-1,C' ' somewhere sensible (you only need 
to execute it once) then you can do this, which some people think is 

             DC   C' ' 
     TARGET  DC   CLn' '
             . . .
             MVC  TARGET,TARGET-1 

Best regards, Steve Hobson
CICS Strategy, HLASM Development, Master Inventor
Hursley Laboratories, MP 189, Room A4126, UK
Tie: 246894 International: +44 1962 81 6894

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