
Examples are not necessary. I have used dub_dp before. I was just unsure if I had the right approach.

Tony Thigpen

-----Original Message -----
 From: Sam Siegel
 Sent: 07/05/2014 05:30 PM
Yes it is right direction.  Yes it is sub_dp.  I can dig out examples on

Also, with some planning,  sub tasks can also have sub tasks
On Jul 5, 2014 1:21 PM, "Tony Thigpen" <> wrote:

Thanks, that means that I my thinking is in the right direction.

For the pipi call, do you remember if it was the CEEPIPI(init_sub_dp)

Tony Thigpen

-----Original Message -----
  From: Sam Siegel
  Sent: 07/05/2014 01:51 PM

Tony. In z/os I've done the following:
1) root task attaches non-le asm subtaks.
2) each sub tasks issues pipi with parms for non- main program
3) each sub task saves and reuses its own le token.
4) each sub task call LE program via pipi and passes parms as documented.

I'm not at office, so I can't give more details or name of manual

On Jul 5, 2014 9:32 AM, "Tony Thigpen" <> wrote:

  I am working in z/VSE, but I know you z/OS guys/gals have been involved
with LE for a longer period so maybe you have been down this road before.

In one vendor product I maintain, I have a mixture of LE/C,
Non-LE/Assembler and LE/enabled Assembler.

I am in the situation where I need to attach additional subtasks to my
main task and those subtasks need to utilize LE services.

I have been unable to find any documentation on running multiple LE tasks
in a single address space. I am not even sure if it is supported in
or even in z/OS.

I believe I will need to ATTACH the subtask and have the subtask issue
it's own PIPI call.

I have used PIPI before. I have created subtasks before. I just never
tried to do both together.

If anyone has tried or done anything like this on ether z/OS or z/VSE,
you post something about your experience and what you found worked or did
not work?


Tony Thigpen

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