Hi Assembler gurus,

I use the code below to dynamically allocate a PDS member. This works fine if 
the member does not exist. If it does (& I wish to append to it), it fails with 
a B14-04.
I thought that Text Unit id=4 with a value of X'02' indicated I wanted to use 
DISP=MOD. What do I need to change in order to be able to append to an existing 
PDS member?

As an aside, is there a better way of doing this?

DYNA     DC    0F'0',X'80',AL3(DYNARB1)   RB POINTER                 
DYNARB1  DS    0F                         ALIGN                      
         DC    AL1(20),AL1(01),AL2(0)     LENGTH,ALLOC-VERB,FLAGS1   
DYNAER   DC    AL2(0)                     ERROR CODE                 
DYNAIN   DC    AL2(0)                     INFO CODE                  
         DC    A(DYNATU)                  TEXT UNIT LIST POINTER     
         DC    A(0)                       RESERVED                   
         DC    A(0)                       FLAGS2                     
DYNATU   CALL  ,(D11,D12,D13,D14,D15),VL,MF=L    TU POINTERS         
D11      DC    XL2'1',XL2'1',XL2'8',CL8'CNTL  '   DDNAME             
D12      DC    XL2'2',XL2'1',XL2'2C',CL44' '      DSNAME             
D13      DC    XL2'3',XL2'1',XL2'8',CL8'CSV'      MEMBERNAME         
D14      DC    XL2'4',XL2'1',XL2'1',XL1'02'       DISP=(MOD...       
D15      DC    XL2'5',XL2'1',XL2'1',XL1'08'             ...,KEEP)    
DSNAME   EQU   D12+6,44                                              
DSNMEMB  EQU   D13+9,5                                               

Regards - Grant.
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