On 2016-11-11, at 15:05, Farley, Peter x23353 wrote:

> I think I really meant to day AND 8X'BF' rather than XOR 8X'40'; in other 
> words just turn OFF the X'40' bit to convert upper to lower case.
> But of course that is also not a good idea when digits or national characters 
> are involved.
Is there an Assembler interface which, like ISPF LM Services,
allows the programmer to defer specifying the member name
until close?  That would obviate all the scrambling to concoct
provisional names.

I suppose there is, and that it's called BPAM, and I've used BPAM
so I know why no one wants to use BPAM unless the circumstance is

All these years, and I understand that numerous sites have privately
invented QPAM but that sagacity hasn't percolated back to IBM.

-- gil

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