Am 30.05.2017 um 22:53 schrieb Tom Marchant:

Also, LE does not like LE-enabled standard linkage programs calling
XPLINK programs or XPLINK programs calling LE-enabled standard
linkage programs. I'm not clear on the mechanism, but I think that
either of these requires that a new LE enclave be established.

I'm not sure, but some years ago I had to call a "given" XPLINK C routine
(doing some sort of encryption) from a standard linkage PL/1 module.
This was kind of complicated, but in the end I was successful. IIRC, there
was no new LE enclave involved, but there had to be a C fetch(),
because it was not possible to link the NON-XPLINK and XPLINK C functions

IIRC: PL/1 had to call a C function (NON-XPLINK) using site-specific
(well-established) mechanisms, and the NON-XPLINK C function had
to fetch a XPLINK wrapper function which then called the "given"
encryption library (which was all XPLINK).


Kind regards


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